Sour buttermilk, boiled potato, clotted cream, crimini mushroom and Parmesan herald a funky-earthy scent made pleasant by maple sap, pickled peach, underripe apricot, and coriander. Apple cider vinegar bursts into the palate with wincing alacrity, which, with goat cheese becomes a bright tangerine and near-ripe apricot. Still has a pickled note. Pickled yellow pepper, onion, red bell and general chow chow diciness, as well as a sauerkraut and sweet mustard combo. Razzy, jazzy and bracing. Stellar example of the lambic style. .
#rivertownbrewing #rivertownbrewery #craftbeer #lambic #ohbeer #locklandoh #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #wildyeast #housefunk #spontaneousfermentation #spontaneous #oakaged #barrelaged #winebarrelaged #2015 #vintagebeer #funkybeer #sour #sourbeer #sourbeers #awardwinningbeer — 5 years ago
Grainy date and fig with malty caramel, hot cocoa with cinnamon and dark honey, anise and dark cacao, bitter coffee foam, and copper aromas. Malty entry with rich gingerbread and black sugar. Citrus chocolate interplay, boasting orange peel and candied lemon but shadowed by sarsaparilla and cola, black bread, allspice and pecan with black strap molasses. #barrelaged #4wood #heavyseas #unchartedwaters #plankIV #beer #quads #belgianquad #belgianstyle #oakaged #abv #quadrupel #2016 — 7 years ago
Big, frothy, malt ball-shag carpet that hangs around like brocade. Impenetrable by light. Milk and dark chocolates vie with coffee rye, cedar and a bit of black pepper esters. Oak and tar suggest ship seams, and there is an oceanic depth, a coffee reduction, fantastically creamy with a deep caramel core. Bakers chocolate with espresso beans, coffee liqueur and burnt black currant. #oskarblues #tenfidy #imperialstout #stout #barrelaged #abv #dankbeer #darkbeer #imperial — 7 years ago
Black as starless space, mostly headless, with dark brown bubbling at the neck. Deep espresso turns darkest chocolate, charred cinnamon and dark caramel, licorice, and dark brittle. Savory, charred chocolate and bittersweet arabica. Deep treacle, licorice echo, with brandy notes sporting chocolate haloes. Intense, visceral, and unforgettable.
#anchorage #anchoragebrewingcompany #anchoragebrewing #alaskabeer #akbeer #stout #imperialstout #darkesthour #anchoragebrewingdarkesthour #anchoragedarkesthour #anchorageak #barrelaged #brandybarrelsged #oakaged — 3 years ago
Hard pour if you’ve a desire to to see a head of coffee foam in dark cappuccino. It loiters a little with unctuous lacing that stick in place in globules, sporadically spaced. Dark chocolate scented, where brew, and coffee bean mix with toffee and sweet cedar, vanilla bean and nougat. Chocolate-pecan-caramel turtles amp up with mocha and espresso, a tiny pinch of black pepper, dark tobaccos, bakers chocolate, and brown sugar coated malt chocolate. Sweet initially, then revelatory as it sorts its relationships, then bitter, with pine, acanthus, chicory, walnut and pecan shell. Warm, rich, and covered in monster muck. Like a cigar smoke filled station wagon driven by a dark chocolate Santa after an Italian truck stop espresso run being slowly pulled into a tar pit. One for the ages. Happy holidays, ya filthy animals!
. .#foundersbrewing #founderskbs #KBS #beer #birra #bier #biere #stout #flavoredstout #coffeebeer #oakagedseries #oakaged #barrelaged #chocolateale #imperialstout #theamazingkosmickis #kosmickisbourbonstout #barrelagecseries — 5 years ago
Off-white cumulous clouds top a cloudy, nearly opaque cistern of Rich Amber. The lacing menaces like zombie fingers before succumbing to the murky cauldron; sparse bubble implore like confused eyes, disembodied. Tropical notes of rum cake and pineapple-banana cream with a suggestion of cocoanut turn cedar and apricot and lemon breads. Vanilla marks the creamy entry with almond and nougat, that turns bourbon ball quickly leaving you with fire and smoke and lemon tea. Whiskey and lemon become pronounced upon the contemplative conclusion! Like being hugged to death by a baby balrog! #founders #barrelaged #bourbonbarrelaged #beer #dankbeer #imperialipa #ipa #imperial #ale #foundersbrewing #doom ## — 7 years ago
White topped, not persistent, unctuous rivulets lacings reach out like tentacles. Vanilla and cinnamon standards shine, real gourd aromas thrill; warm caramel, sultanas, and clove-ginger. Whiskey barrel entry reminds you this is 10% abv, gingerbread, cedar, cinnamon, caramel creme, vanilla, clove and a touch of pepper. Nice work. Sunday dessert. .
#lexingtonbrewingco #lexingtonbrewing #kentuckypumpkinbarrelale #barrelaged #pumpkinbeer #pumpkin #bourbonbarrelaged #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #oakaged — 4 years ago
Spanish Cedar magic! Almost non-translucent tea amber with spongy top and scattered bubblecorns to match the coming peppercorns! Amphibious linearity to the lacing which sticks in undulating slickness. Peppery nose jostles for attention against pineapple, both cut fresh and dried. Peppercorn wins, agressively charging! Dried starfruit ferment and grapefruit pulp also struggle. Palate weight is food friendly, and would make a great pairing with steak or Gorgonzola or sour cream crisps. Peppery essence crystallizes around malts and resinous cedar with cooked caramel and burnt sugar, but none of it deviates too far from Mr. Peppercorn’s locus. Not a beer for everyone! This thing is a unique palate teaser! I personally love its wooden depth, and lack of sugar on the finish. Grapefruit pith softness and cracked, black peppercorns encrusting. #ccb #cigarcitybrewing #spanishcedarjaialai #jaialai #ccbjaialai #cigarcitybrewingspanishcedarjaialai #ipa #jaialaiipa #indiapaleale #barrelaged #cedaraged #flbeer #flabeer #tampabeer #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja — 5 years ago
Solid crown just off-white and slow to dissipate. Caramel and vanilla scrawled on oak, rubber band and pencil with golden apple and just a dusting of cinnamon. Tropical notes of dried pineapple, lemon cookie, peach skin, mocha and ripe butternut. Creamy, and initially caramel, but descends to tamarind, ginger, bitter orange, star anise, dark toasted oak, cinnamon bark, lemon zest, and finally rounds out to vanilla bean. Sublime walk through a jungle at sunset, ripe, pungent, seductive and still plenty of machete fodder. #sixpoint #righteousale #brooklyn #rye #barrelaged #ale #beer #dankbeer #doublewood #doublebarrel #righteous — 6 years ago
David Kline
Founders Brewing Ultimate Oktoberfest
Auburn colored amber sports a negative constellation lid in puffy cream. Toxic avenger lacing mid-melt leaves leaping fish to swooping birds. Honeyed brown bread nose has hints of coffee, peanut, baked brown sugar and yeasty dough. Strong vanilla lingers as whiskey shines in caramel, cedar and cinnamon firstly, toffee, allspice, orange, baked pear as afterthought. Tertiary flavors persist indefinitely spurred in by successive sipping. Grand.
#founders #foundersbrewing #FoundersUltimateOktoberfest #UltimateOktoberfest #märzen #imperialmärzen #imperial #barrelagedseries #barrelaged #bourbonbarrelaged #foundersbarrelagedseries #beer #Oktoberfest #bier — 4 months ago