
Big Top Brewing Company

Pumpkin Stiltskin

Big Top Brewing Company Pumpkin Stiltskin pumpkin ale. Cappuccino foam, cream colored head. Cola caramel body with reddish hues. Soapy wash to liquid craqueleur lacing that spiderlegs. Lovely nose of pumpkin pie with cider donut on top. Brown and raw sugar shine as nutmeg and clove push energetically; cinnamon oil surfaces. Big Top has us thinking fondly of the people in Sarasota tonight, and fervently hoping for their safety!

#sarasotafl #sarasotaflorida #bigtopbrewingcompany #bigtopbrewing #bigtoppumpkinstiltskin #pumpkinstiltskin #pumpkinale #pumpkinbeer #flbeer #hurricane #flhurricane
— 5 months ago

Andrew and Paul liked this

Samuel Adams


Jumping, pink marshmallow fez says au revoir, and poof. Slick, fake Santa beard lacing drops like a kid’s dream to orange semi-translucent puck, and appropriate foam smirk. This beer ‘looks’ pumpkin. The nose is cinnamon-allspice, and expected clove; a sweet brown sugar note waves from the corner. Cinnamon-sugar opens across the palate with a cream soda feel. Lemon zest ties the spice together into a lemoncello grip when it finally deciphers the malt and sugar message. There is a cola element throughout, which, in conjunction with the lemon, delivers a very refreshing and familiar comfort. Quite nice for the dwindling dog days of Florida summer! Poolside Pumpkin!

#samadams #samadamsjacko #jacko #samadamsjackopumpkinbeer #jackopumpkinbeer #pumpkinbeer #pumpkin #beer #biere #bier #birra #cerveza
— 6 months ago

Sharon, Paul and 2 others liked this

Abomination Brewing Company

Forbidden Pumpkin Imperial Milkshake Style India Pale Ale

Tropical with banana and pineapple shows ginger and lemon curd, nutmeg and light cinnamon. Whoa! Big pumpkin here with rich and creamy pie spices; vanilla, allspice, nutmeg, clove, cedar, oak, candied ginger, ginseng, lemongrass. Good move making it milkshake! Lactose drives the density and comforting substance. More like this please! And to the pumpkin hating zealots, just taste the forbidden fruit again, I won’t tell!

#abominationbrewingcompany #abominationbrewing #pumpkinbeer #pumpkin #forbiddenpumpkin #imperialipa #ipa #imperialmilkshakeipa #milkshakeipa #ctbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

ESF, Severn and 4 others liked this

Dogfish Head Brewery

Punkin Ale

Great pumpkin offering as usual! Pie crust and pumpkin pie spice offering on the nose to appease the gourds; orange pekoe celestial reflections. Cinnamon stick whittled for whipping, and nutmegs just made for licking. Great taste for a knife carved face of caramelized pumpkin! Naysayers be slain. Haters haunted, Geeks begouled, Smarms smitten. How else can you mark the seasons in Florida? Bring on the jacked-up-juices! #halloween #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #dogfishhead #dogfishheadpumpkinbeer #dogfishheadpunkinale #punkinale #seasonalbeer #gourdbrew #iwillslapyouintothanksgivingifyousmacktalkjack — 4 years ago

Sharon liked this

Fat Orange Cat Brew Co.

Pumpkin Patch Kittens

Fat Orange Cat brew co. Pumpkin Patch Kittens. Albumen merengue top over opaque Bosc-grapefruit. Pear-apple nose with honeyed flower. Sweet grapefruit, nectarine and tangerine. Glyph-font lacing melts to fatty tissue. Cinnamon and applesauce, tart lemon, lime zest and a touch of coconut inform the festive palate. Caramelized pineapple and clove complete the work.

#fatorangecatbrewco #fatorangecat #pumpkinpatchkittens #pumpkinbeer #seasonalbeer #NewEnglandStyleIPA #NEstyleIPA #IPA #beer #Bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 5 months ago

Sharon and Paul liked this

Florida Avenue Brewing Co.

The Lantern Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Florida Avenue Brewing Company ‘The Lantern’ Imperial Pumpkin Ale. Pumpkin-amber color of ale extends to head which undulates as dissolving eyes lace into spooky reaching claw and ghost flame afterlace. Cinnamon-apple nose fades to expose a cauldron of pumpkin spice and butternut, spaghetti, and acorn squash, and finally the gourd lord, pumpkin. Bourbon strikes the palate first with a caramel and cedar urgency, leaving a tannic mark. Nutmeg and allspice roll about the floor, kicking up the bud-covered rug. What this lacks in creaminess, it exerts in agro spice. I’m on the fence with this one, and make no mistake, I am impaled there. I want to try this one in a year! I think it deserves that. See you next year! Happy haunting.

#floridaavenue #floridaavenuebrewingcompany
#floridaavenueimperialpumpkine #imperialpumpkin #imperialpumpkinale #pumkinale #pumpkinbeer #seasonalbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 5 months ago

Sharon and Paul liked this
Sharon B

Sharon B Influencer Badge

Can’t wait to start drinking all the holiday beers!

21st Amendment Brewery

Pumpkin Haze IPA

Apple juice and antique gold had a baby. Lively head in a rocket blast. Grainy ghoul forest lacing. Lemon, orange and creamy vanilla and lemon panna cotta. Lemongrass and a twist of basil. Palate has a creamy cinnamon and nutmeg, but holds it together in a cream soda meets hops sort of way. Much better than it sounds. This beer gets it right in every way. Balanced, spiced to the ginger gills, and beer-tastic in its taste. True to beer and pumpkin pie spice. Haunting finish.

#21stAmendmentpumkinhazeipa #pumpkinhazeipa #pumpkinipa #hazyipa #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinale
— a year ago

Suncreek Brewery

Mashing Gourds Brown Ale

Suncreek Brewery Mashing Gourds Brown Ale. Clermont Florida. Auburn brown fluff hat tops this tea-colored brown ale with ‘chase the lips’ lacing contortions slipping in unctious ecstasy. Big, big spice nose shows all the stars, starting with nutmeg and clove, allspice and cinnamon. Root beer afterthoughts. Bold and chocolate-y palate brimming with coffee and chai complete the picture. Amoeba afterlace. Chock full of goodness and autumnal earmarks.

#suncreekbrewing #suncreekbrewingmashinggourds #mashinggourds #mashinggourdsbrownale #brownale #pumpkinbeer #mashinggourdspumpkin #pumpkin #seasonalbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 5 months ago

Tom, Sharon and 1 other liked this

Abomination Brewing Company

Lil' Pumpky Milkshake Style India Pale Ale

Beware the Ph…er, Fog! Lil’ Pumky from Abomination Brewing Company, North Haven CT. Gourdy gourdy gumdrops! Chalk colored shaver’s lather devolves to ghost trails. Gator snout lacing draws back horizontally, Nose shows strong citrus and squash notes; lime and lemongrass push grapefruit to the fore. This one, though creamy, stays citrusy throughout, and the pumpkin spice is very light, but the true pumpkin aspect came through. This is a valiant effort to achieve real pumpkin flavor, which is difficult. This brewery is on the right track, and honestly, I’m not sure where to improve, but it needs a little spice kick from a specialty hop, perhaps. I humbly submit.

#abominationbrewingcompany #abominationbrewing #abominationbrewinglilpumpky #lilpumpky #milkshakestyleipa #ipa #indiapaleale #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinspice #beer #seasonalbeer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 6 months ago

ESF, Paul and 2 others liked this



Rogue Farms

Pumpkin Patch Ale

Cola brown with limited hairdo. Disembodied flying bubble-eye pops to galactic swirl and water Buffalo horns in a crescent then ghost trail. Gingerbread cupcake intro sports chunks of candied ginger and a ginseng twang surfing a graham cracker and date aspect. Nice bitter cinnamon bite to start the palate. Allspice and saffron bring their bitter sweets turning trick to treat and brown sugar mixes it up with spiced tea to bring it all home. Pumpkin is very prominent here, to appease the complainers, which is nice! Stop the bellyaching! .
#rogue #roguebrewing #roguebrewery #pumpkinbeer #roguepumpkin #roguepumpkinpatchale #dareriskdream #rogueales #newportOR #orbeer #roguedotcom
— 4 years ago

Mike, Sharon and 1 other liked this