
Fat Orange Cat Brew Co.

Pumpkin Patch Kittens

Fat Orange Cat brew co. Pumpkin Patch Kittens. Albumen merengue top over opaque Bosc-grapefruit. Pear-apple nose with honeyed flower. Sweet grapefruit, nectarine and tangerine. Glyph-font lacing melts to fatty tissue. Cinnamon and applesauce, tart lemon, lime zest and a touch of coconut inform the festive palate. Caramelized pineapple and clove complete the work.

#fatorangecatbrewco #fatorangecat #pumpkinpatchkittens #pumpkinbeer #seasonalbeer #NewEnglandStyleIPA #NEstyleIPA #IPA #beer #Bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 6 months ago

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