Tons of grapefruit, lightly herbal, strawberry as well. Perfect refreshment! — 5 years ago
A favourite of mine. This English lager is smooth, with a subtle malt flavour that has the slightest hint of fruit. Brewed using Saaz and Cascade hops it is in its finally stages re-fremented with champagne yeast and Nelson Sauvin hops.
All-in-all a delightful lager. — 6 years ago
Ah, the king of them all. So bitter after fruitier IPA’s. Dangerously refreshing.
Easy to put away, 1,2,3 . 5.2°
Balance of grain/hops. Not too much or too little. With fatty foods, a dream.
Used to be a nicer can. No accounting for aesthetics. Not to mind, in this case, Chicago conquers Philly. I bow. — 2 years ago
This 'un's called the King of the East Coast IPAs. Lots of malt balanced against the hops. Quite delicious. — 6 years ago
Hops smooth — 7 years ago
Very unique, who knew mosaic hops and naturally carbonated Chardonnay could work so well together, great, inventive winery! — 4 years ago
New vintage! Citrusy with herbal/floral notes, reminds me of wildflowers and beer hops. — 6 years ago
High IBUs. Nice hops. Crisp and refreshing. — 7 years ago
Now this is good stuff, cloudy gold color, honey mead & slightly floral nose, rich spiced honey and herb taste with enough hops to add some body. — 7 years ago
Craig Marino
Outstanding! great balance between hops, fruit, smoothness and bitterness — 2 months ago