
Privatbrauerei Eichbaum

Goldener Hopfen Strong Lager

Surplus of bubbles, amber-y gold. White topped, with yellow hues. Erasured text lacing, initial; equine herd backs undulation. Oak cork, wheat germ, oatmeal nose. Cornmeal, malt and cake donuts on the palate. Okay, but not wow factor good. Better than malt liquor, though.

#PrivatbrauereiEichbaum #goldenerhopfen #stronglager #lager #deutschebier #deutschland #bier #beer #birra #biere #cerveza
— 2 days ago

Tom liked this

Privatbrauerei Eibau

Eibauer Schwarzbier

Coffee black-brown with auburn glinting, cappuccino crema swirled tête. Weasel vs Mantis lacing with crawdad implications. Reishi mushroom and wood ear nose emanate as lace turns to cosmic fox. Palate is browned wheat roll, and pecans with lemon zest. Nutty and refreshing.

#eibauer #eibauerschwarzbier #schwartzbier #reinheitsgebot #privatbrauereieibauer #deutschebier #deutschland #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a month ago

Tom, Andrew and 2 others liked this

Privatbrauerei Eichbaum

Der Kletterer Red Lager

Privatbrauerei Eichbaum ‘Der Kletterer’ rot lager (red lager)

Galactic white milkshake pate tinged with faintest pink. Wall-solid lacing with wreathing. Shortcake nose with strawberry suggestions, wheat bran muffin batter; pecans. Strawberry pith persistences, wheat germ, pretzel bun, fig, on the palate boasting one tiny drop of balsamic between caramels.

#PrivatbrauereiEichbaum #Eichbaumrotlager #redlager #deutschland #deutschebier #bier #lager #beer #birra #cerveza
— 3 months ago

ESF, Andrew and 2 others liked this

Timber Ales

Fields of Fall

Timber Ales ‘Fields of Fall’ imperial Stout

Nearly headless, dark cocoa pate with rapid bubble breakdown. Candlewax serpents dripping lacings over oily trails leave one-eyed bunny trace. Solid black across and through. Glass stainer. Nose of roasted pumpkin, roasted coffee, black strap molasses, dark cocoa nibs, roasted chestnut. Heavy mouthfeel mimics the molasses smell, and gives toffee and Turkish coffee impressions. Initial taste bitters quickly, but subsequent tastes are coated in treacle. Pumpkin and spice give this a perceptively plump middle. The finish is forever. Mwahahaha!

#timberales #timberalesimperialstoutwithpumpkin
#Imperialstoutpumkinnutmegvanillacinnamon #pumpkinspice #stout #fieldsoffall #beer #bier #biere #bierre #birra #cerveza #ctbeer
— 4 months ago

ESF, Severn and 1 other liked this

Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle

Traditions Gebräu Imperial Porter

Black with blood background. Stable head of tan leather and porcini. Chocolate milk notes and nibs. Cafè au lait. Grounds, crema and aromas. Creamy with banana pith bitterings that do not stall the creaminess. Miniscule vanilla and licorice musings amid the oasted grain and oak tannin; a pleasant compass. The lacing is creeping root, diving millipede dragon and manta flight with the attitude of a snooty cat. Yes, hell unleashed. Sit back and let this beer be your cushion, bones are a cage, and largely in the way.

#deutschebier #porter #imperialporter #oakaged #leckerundfrisch #traditionsgebräuleckerundfrisch #abv #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza
— 5 days ago

Tom and Paul liked this

Privatbrauerei Eichbaum

Die Königin Des Feuers

Die Königin des Feuers Helles
Privatbrauerei Eichbaum
Manheim Deutschland

Foamtastic snowy egret cloud suspended above palest straw translucence. Puffs of lemon pffts of lime, inter-dimensional remnants of green olive, rice cracker nez. Zest dusted dinner roll stuffed with brioche, pancake batter and Meyer lemon. Tasty, clean queen, with a refreshing sheen.

#PrivatbrauereiEichbaum #DieKönigindesFeuers #Helles #germanbeer #deutschebier #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza
— 3 months ago

Andrew, Paul and 1 other liked this

Schlossbrauerei Irlbach

Irlbacher Premium Vollbier Hell

Irlbacher Premium, Vollbier hell, Ein würzig-riches Vollbier klassischer Art

Schlossbrauerei Irlbach

White spring of egg white topping; Myrmarachne de-segmenting while waxen discus throwers melt, vanquished, into oblivion…lacing. Nose of fingerling potato half-bake, glycerin soap, corn bread, and sourdough starter. Crisp, fulfilled, singular and aspirational on the palate with oyster shell, artichoke mid-leaf, burst of lemon sweetness, breadfruit, white corn, lime zest and textural minerality that borders on salinity. Superb.

#brauereiirlbacher #vollbierhell #hell #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza
— 3 months ago

Severn, Tom and 4 others liked this
Tom Casagrande

Tom Casagrande Influencer Badge

Trippy note.
David Kline

David Kline Influencer Badge

I was going to microdose it, but it was a tallboy/pounder/16ouncer, and got the better of me!


1283 Hell

Pours ecru, then pear opacity, with gypsum head. Slippery lacing that runs mammalian, spindles meltingly to skeletal, then slides amorphous to preferred obscurity. Oranges both fresh and dried, lemon zest, soft wood, and paraffin nose. Dinner roll, lemon tea, nano bee pollen, grapefruit round out the refreshing celebration. Solid arbeit!

#Rhaner #atestefamilienbrauereiostbayerns #Rhaner1283hell #über725jahrebrautradition #lager #palelager #deutschebier #deutschland #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza
— 18 days ago

Paul liked this

Abomination Brewing Company

Hoof Hearted Brewing Collaboration Little Red Riding Hoof Triple India Pale Ale

Abomination brewing and Hoof Hearted Collab ‘Little Red Riding Hoof’ Triple IPA

Scary good. Thick and opaque gold. Helper shelter lacing. Butterscotch and coffee had a rosemary baby, it turned tropical with baked pineapple and sweet lemon, brown sugar, toffee, and arbor fruit. Strong and mouth-coating. Excellent, and I need more!

#collab #abominationbrewing #hoofheartedbrewing #tripleipa #tipa #ipa #indiapaleale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birea #cerveza
— 2 months ago

Anas Geheimnisse

Bock Beer

Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle GMBH
Anas Geheimnisse Bock Bier

Creamy headed loop to soup. Dissipating mushroom and bones lacing sliding to obscurity. Pot roast-brown bread nose with Shepherd’s pie asides and resurgence of carrot. Lemon rings the creamy open. Lime and lemongrass double take through sweet tea. Dinner roll with micro caramel glaze. Bread is not the head, rather the moccasins that tiptoe in.

#Klosterbrauerei #KlosterbrauereiNeuzelle #Neuzelle #deutschland #deutschebier #bock #bockbier #anasgeheimnisse #germany #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 3 months ago

ESF, Andrew and 2 others liked this