
Neuzelle Monastery

Traditions Gebräu Dark Lager

Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle GMBH dark lager.
Ebon black with auburn highlights. Crema colored head that puffs porcini. Slo-mo thorn drops lacing. Clean nose with dark bread freshness. Pecan palate shows golden lemon zest dicing. Dark toast with a black lime element, nano clove and black sesame.

#leckerundfrisch #klosterbrauereineuzelle #traditionsgebräu #darklager #lager #deutschland #deutschebier #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza #neuzelle
— 7 days ago

Paul, ESF and 3 others liked this

Anas Geheimnisse

Bock Beer

Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle GMBH
Anas Geheimnisse Bock Bier

Creamy headed loop to soup. Dissipating mushroom and bones lacing sliding to obscurity. Pot roast-brown bread nose with Shepherd’s pie asides and resurgence of carrot. Lemon rings the creamy open. Lime and lemongrass double take through sweet tea. Dinner roll with micro caramel glaze. Bread is not the head, rather the moccasins that tiptoe in.

#Klosterbrauerei #KlosterbrauereiNeuzelle #Neuzelle #deutschland #deutschebier #bock #bockbier #anasgeheimnisse #germany #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 4 months ago

ESF, Andrew and 2 others liked this