
Abomination Brewing Company

Hoof Hearted Brewing Collaboration Little Red Riding Hoof Triple India Pale Ale

Abomination brewing and Hoof Hearted Collab ‘Little Red Riding Hoof’ Triple IPA

Scary good. Thick and opaque gold. Helper shelter lacing. Butterscotch and coffee had a rosemary baby, it turned tropical with baked pineapple and sweet lemon, brown sugar, toffee, and arbor fruit. Strong and mouth-coating. Excellent, and I need more!

#collab #abominationbrewing #hoofheartedbrewing #tripleipa #tipa #ipa #indiapaleale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birea #cerveza
— 3 months ago

State Of Brewing

Double Hazy IPA

Hazy, rosy amber with large spongy cotton head. Desert scrub lacing and fallen branches covered in snow that sticks like pasta. Dank-y mosaics inform carrot-muffin iced with pineapple grapefruit and tangerine in abundance. Hemp-y notes persist on the palate, awash in tangerine and pomelo, dried basil and black lime. Sessionably fortified for easy drinking, but not so creamy as one would expect with the mosaic addition. Very good job keeping the balance.

#aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #mosaichops #hazyipa #doubleipa #hazydouble #hazydoubleipa #indiapaleale #beer #ale #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

barak heller, Severn and 2 others liked this

Stone Brewing Co.

Neverending Haze IPA

Cider-esque haziness sports spongy fluff with bouncy bubbles, sheet lacing which tears to brains folds, or nut interiors. Lemon-lime and grapefruit gummies explode dangly. Apricots, tangerines, lemongrass and ginger nose. Briny grapefruit with iodized aspects, and shimmery mineral plating. Sweetness imperceptible; glistening acid trails. Clementine peel bite.
#stone #stonebrewing #stoneneverendinghaze #neverendinghaze #hazyipa #hazy #leavenostoneunturned #vegan #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #ceveza #cerveja #escondido #cabeer #calibeer #sessionipa #sessionbeer
— 3 years ago

Severn, Ron and 1 other liked this

Abomination Brewing Company

Lil' Pumpky Milkshake Style India Pale Ale

Beware the Ph…er, Fog! Lil’ Pumky from Abomination Brewing Company, North Haven CT. Gourdy gourdy gumdrops! Chalk colored shaver’s lather devolves to ghost trails. Gator snout lacing draws back horizontally, Nose shows strong citrus and squash notes; lime and lemongrass push grapefruit to the fore. This one, though creamy, stays citrusy throughout, and the pumpkin spice is very light, but the true pumpkin aspect came through. This is a valiant effort to achieve real pumpkin flavor, which is difficult. This brewery is on the right track, and honestly, I’m not sure where to improve, but it needs a little spice kick from a specialty hop, perhaps. I humbly submit.

#abominationbrewingcompany #abominationbrewing #abominationbrewinglilpumpky #lilpumpky #milkshakestyleipa #ipa #indiapaleale #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinspice #beer #seasonalbeer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 6 months ago

ESF, Paul and 2 others liked this



Hi-Wire Brewing

Hi-Pitch Mosaic IPA

Antique gold-amber. Triple fat white head of pile stuffing, a sticky, loose leafing reminiscent of stylized cloisonné clouds for lacing. Sweet dankness interswirled with lemon, tangerine and grapefruit notes. But ever earthy with cola highlights on the nose. Nutty and hempy initially; caramel, light coffee, dark pastry, grapefruit oil, peel and zest appear with prominence. Ever flavor on the palate remains for the ride, and it is a long one. Persistence of viscous!
#hiwire #hiwirebrewing #hiwiremosaicipa #mossicipa #mosaichops #ipa # #indiapaleale #dryhopped #centennialhops #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #dank #ncbeer @hiwire_hanna
— 3 years ago

Sharon, Severn and 2 others liked this

Parish Brewing Company

Dr Juice IPA

Swirly-cloud, pear-from-syrup colored nectar boasting old-newspaper-“white”, frothy mallow-moon icing. Grapefruit candy meets ginger candy at the soft lemon foam; tenderness ensues. Spun sugar pith on sticks, lemon and orange marshmallows away gently in tangerine breezes. A frozen pineapple iceberg floats by, it’s head peeping innocently above the swirly floes. Damn refreshing frozen knife of summer. Stick with it. .
#parrishbrewing #drjuice #labeer #parrishdrjuiceipa #drjuiceipa #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #ale #broussardla #beer #birra #bier #biere #cerveza #cerveja
— 4 years ago

Sharon, Neil and 1 other liked this

State Of Brewing

Hazy IPA

State of Brewing hazy IPA.
Rose-colored gold, opaque; melting hexagonal beeswax comb lacing turns levitating knives, woodcut claws and feathers. Orange, tangerine and apricot richness with tropical pineapple and banana leaf. Lime and lemon pith, lemon-lime bottlecap candy, Alka-seltzer, strangely, plantain, and truncated grapefruit. Perhaps lacks the creaminess of the hazy style in an attempt to keep the abv reasonable?

#stateofbrewing #aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #hazyipa
#ipa #indiapaleale #hazy #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

Paul, Severn and 2 others liked this

Sierra Nevada Brewing Company

Hop Bullet Double IPA

Rich antique golden body, with expressive chiffon ‘do; zig-zag serpent lacing. Candied lemon peel, pineapple purée, orange pith, sweet tobacco touches, sapodilla custard nose. Peppercorns and cloves in grapefruit skin, brown sugar crystals on top of cut pink grapefruit, lemon pith, rye kernels, caraway, allspice, bitter pecan, honey on burnt toast. Nice beer in that is shouts beer grains while oozing citrus, and flexing some abv muscle!

#sierranevadabrewing #sierranevada #sierranevadahopbullet #hopbullet #hopbulletdoubleipa #ipa #doubleipa #chicoca #millsrivernc #ale #indiapaleale #dipa
— 3 years ago

Ira, Severn and 4 others liked this

Boulevard Brewing Company

Stormchaser IPA

Lime and slate palate with an oceanic sensibility. Grapefruit zest, lemon-lime cola, grilled lemon and thyme. The nose is sweet tangerine and pronounced citrus, echoing the sentiment. Always a pleasure to chase this mixed issue. .
#boulevard #boulevardbrewing #stormchaser #boulevardstormchaser #Mobeer #kcbeer #ipa #indiapaleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 3 years ago

Dawn, Severn and 2 others liked this

Toppling Goliath Brewing Company

Intergalactic Warrior India Pale Ale

Pineapple, lime, lemon and caramelized banana nose. Stardust-sparkly entrance of zesty lime, crystalline pineapple, and dried apricot, Meyer lemon, touches of coconut oil, sesame and steely snap pea.
#topplinggoliath #topplinggoliathbrewingco #iabeer #topplingoliathintergalacticwarrioripa #ipa #indiapaleale #beer #galactichops #warriorhops #decorahia #ale #paleale
— 4 years ago

Severn and Mike liked this