an Israeli cab surprisingly survived 13 years after harvesting.
they say 2011 was a great vintage, so it helps.
nothing spectacular, I'm guessing the wine started ok-ish and nothing more.
hinted tannins at the back.
high acidity.
lots of 🍒 (jam with preserved sugared whole cherries), some chewing tobacco, assorted spiced greens and a little dirt.
for the sake of science, a great experience. — a year ago
a german Riesling proud and loud about its' terroir.
high high acidity leading the way for a full body half dry juice.
and it is very juicy!
mostly lemon (juice, peel, curd and pie) with added grass and hay, a green apple and that hinted kerosine.
long 🎯
no complexity and no 🎇
but 100% real wine.
paired lovely with hummus and falafel with added spicy sauce. — a year ago
lovely aging Slovenian orange wine.
medium body.
nuts, dried fruit, oily texture.
high acidity.
a bit of tannins.
so juicy...
medium 🎯
paired well with 🥖, 🧈 and 🧀 -es
age them a helps. — 10 months ago
Chardonnay and viognier blend from volcanic soil.
medicore. — a year ago
🏜️ wine.
70% merlot
30% cabarnet sauvignon
2 years in oak.
a medium + body of candied cherry, plum, orange rind, butter with a little vanilla and chwing tobacco.
high acidity
medium well integrated tannins.
lovely expression, and i assume it's still quite far from it's peak. — a year ago
lovely expression.
🌺, 🍋, 🍏, White 🫑 and copper all the way.
enough acid to confuse a few hippies in the parking lot right before a grateful dead concert.
paired lovely with a hot day out picnic-ing with some jahnun (yemen pastry), salsa, tahini and spicy sauce (zhug). and a good fresh salad
a vacation in Germany with this by the pool? an idea — a year ago
2017 languedoc mostly marsanne orange wine.
age gave it depth.
mostly spices with some oven dried fruits.
slightly tannic. full and fulfilling. — a year ago
there's a natural wine aroma in the air now...if you smell it carefully now, you can easily notice it
I'm not trying to find the answer, to all those winemakers and drinkers question
many wine drinkers will have to suffer
many wine drinkers will have to die (in the end)
don't ask me why...
a biodynamic merlot with a little cab franc from south west france
it's barnyard stinky, its juicy, and there's some unclear fruit in there and some ocean spray cranberry juice
blind i was guessing a natural stinky wine from either georgia or south of France...
full body
high acidity (maybe a bit volatile?)
medium well integrated tannins
very drinkable, less defined and clear...
long 🎯
all in all a nice experience.
paired nicely with Ravioli di formaggio with cream and 🍄 sauce
would drink easily at hipster wine convention, otherwise will probably choose a different metlot 😁 — a year ago
barak heller hayun
quite bubbly for a while.
stone fruit, grapefruit and some stones.
some bitterness in the 🎯 adds complexity. — 3 months ago