Apricot yellows with egg white header elevating straight up gangster Malcolm McDowell flattop hoary. Mushroom-intimate and weighty marmalade fruit locker curiosities expose poached pear, Chardonnay, figs, lemon caramel. Creamy. Citrus drowning in viscous malt and hop quicksands, apricot breads bobbing amidst mixed metaphors, pecan and Brazil nut, pine sap leaf to the best convergence of dried orange peel, coriander, lavender, and celeriac root perhaps a juniper nod in a decidedly ginned-up finish. Oily and rich! .
#wanderingsoul #wanderingsoulbeerco #thingswedontsay #nedipa #doubleipa #newenglanddipa
#newengland #newenglandipa #dryhopped #doubledryhopped #eldoradohops #centennialhops #mosaichops #abv #bentwaterbrewing #mabeer — 3 years ago
French bubbling onion broth, with fungal asymmetry the partnering haberdasher’s cheese motif, and pictographs and hieroglyphic bubble letters the font-lacing. Caramel-orange and yeast with hibiscus and dried lotus slices. There is a peppermint coolness to the backnote and a clean, bok choy sweetness. Tastes of caramel and verdelho-Madeira, and lemon, orange and grapefruit interplay mutating into a cilantro and Vidalia, that ultimately return to the yeast, with marigold petals swimming in a malt and hop extravaganza. #mikkeller #nelsonsauvin #dryhopped #deproefbrouwerij #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza — 5 years ago
State of Brewing Dry Hopped IPA from Aldi calendar. Wisconsin.
Cloudy antique gold-amber with a ropey head; dinosaur fossil and stylized anatomical organ lacing. Big grapefruit green grape and cut lime bullnoses, bends around to lemon panna cotta and vanilla. Hard citrus palatal entry gets cross checked by broom straw and cyprus wood, leaving lemon cookie dough along mid-tongue, walled by lime pith. Acorn, walnut and underripe pineapple enrich the finish. This ipa is aggressive hoppily, but damn refreshing and endlessly informing in the post game.
#stateofbrewing #aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #dryhopped #dryhoppedipa #hops #ipa #wisconsinbeer #WIbeer — a year ago
An 8.7abv pounder seems like a contender for bell ringing. Let’s see if this Big Philly number has the clapper, and is all it’s cracked up to be. The judges are looking for a big freedom ringing ding-and-a-dong before they bestow the bejeweled belt. Pale aspect, though sinewy. Platinum flattop. Is this Dolph Lundgren (on the DL)? Does that make me the Italian S-T-A-L-L-I-O-N mang? Some know where I’m go-ween with this. Wealth of the ‘Delph. Ridge over space pods lacing where the pods spill downward in the unctuous tears of muscle sweat. Juicy grapefruit nose, tinged with a little octane, oranges, lemons, and limes; all parts. Soft butterscotch parts, too.. Dried tropical mango, pineapple and just a bit of ginkgo fruit bruised in the knees. Gorgeous mouthfeel. All the classic beer elements share the stairs here! Candied trio of citrus peels here: lemon, orange, grapefruit, and touches of caramel apple. Not a long finish, but a hard fought TKO in the end! .
#victorybrewing #cashmerehops #ddh #dipa #ddhdipa #ipa #doubledryhopped #dryhopped #victorybeer #victorybrewingco #pabeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #ipa #victorybellringer #victorybellringerddhdipa — 5 years ago
Antique gold-amber. Triple fat white head of pile stuffing, a sticky, loose leafing reminiscent of stylized cloisonné clouds for lacing. Sweet dankness interswirled with lemon, tangerine and grapefruit notes. But ever earthy with cola highlights on the nose. Nutty and hempy initially; caramel, light coffee, dark pastry, grapefruit oil, peel and zest appear with prominence. Ever flavor on the palate remains for the ride, and it is a long one. Persistence of viscous!
#hiwire #hiwirebrewing #hiwiremosaicipa #mossicipa #mosaichops #ipa # #indiapaleale #dryhopped #centennialhops #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #dank #ncbeer @hiwire_hanna — 3 years ago
Reptilian eye-amber. Cotton-white feather headdress. Sticky lacing with evocative, spider trap density. Heavy perfume of ripe peach and peach blossom on the tree. Pink roses. Sherry sweetness, and barrel spices. Funkiness leads the way with over and underripe apricot turning peachy in nature, but bringing a brined pickled peach and white pepper phantom into play. Cardamom pods. Finishes with green note, nearing onion. Persistent sourness throughout, Not for the faint of heart. .
#unibroue #unibroueautrechose #peachipa #autrechosepeachipa #ipa #indiapaleale #dryhopped #canadianbeer #chambly #ibu #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja — 5 years ago
David Kline
Abomination Brewing Company
And Hey (censored) 2023 Too
Triple Dry Hopped IPA
Big malty mix here, on nose and in mouth. Ropy lacing, beautifully integrated. Sweet grapefruit, tangerine, lime and kiwi. Secondary note of baked pineapple throughout. Tropical and topical. Help us, alien overlords!
#abominationbrewingcompany #abominationbrewing #abomination #tipa #tripleindiapaleale #tripleipa #dryhopped #dryhoppedtipa #ipa #andheyf2023too — 4 months ago