
Timber Ales

Fields of Fall

Timber Ales ‘Fields of Fall’ imperial Stout

Nearly headless, dark cocoa pate with rapid bubble breakdown. Candlewax serpents dripping lacings over oily trails leave one-eyed bunny trace. Solid black across and through. Glass stainer. Nose of roasted pumpkin, roasted coffee, black strap molasses, dark cocoa nibs, roasted chestnut. Heavy mouthfeel mimics the molasses smell, and gives toffee and Turkish coffee impressions. Initial taste bitters quickly, but subsequent tastes are coated in treacle. Pumpkin and spice give this a perceptively plump middle. The finish is forever. Mwahahaha!

#timberales #timberalesimperialstoutwithpumpkin
#Imperialstoutpumkinnutmegvanillacinnamon #pumpkinspice #stout #fieldsoffall #beer #bier #biere #bierre #birra #cerveza #ctbeer
— 5 months ago

ESF, Severn and 1 other liked this

Crown Valley Brewing

Imperial Pumpkin Smash Stout

Headless horseman! Just a tonshure of cappuccino rimming the parameter. Bourbon, pecan and caramel, sarsaparilla, mocha, and toasted sunflower seeds. Continued root suggestions with ginger and more sarsaparilla, vanilla, toffee, burnt brown sugar and tinged cinnamon stick. The dark gourd suggestions still manage to surface. Sacrificial pumpkins consumed in tar-sand fires and pecan pie filling. The dark finish glistens like eel sauce. #crownvalleybrewing #stout #imperialpumpkin #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #smashable #seasonalbeer — 7 years ago

Florida Avenue Brewing Co.

The Lantern Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Florida Avenue Brewing Company ‘The Lantern’ Imperial Pumpkin Ale. Pumpkin-amber color of ale extends to head which undulates as dissolving eyes lace into spooky reaching claw and ghost flame afterlace. Cinnamon-apple nose fades to expose a cauldron of pumpkin spice and butternut, spaghetti, and acorn squash, and finally the gourd lord, pumpkin. Bourbon strikes the palate first with a caramel and cedar urgency, leaving a tannic mark. Nutmeg and allspice roll about the floor, kicking up the bud-covered rug. What this lacks in creaminess, it exerts in agro spice. I’m on the fence with this one, and make no mistake, I am impaled there. I want to try this one in a year! I think it deserves that. See you next year! Happy haunting.

#floridaavenue #floridaavenuebrewingcompany
#floridaavenueimperialpumpkine #imperialpumpkin #imperialpumpkinale #pumkinale #pumpkinbeer #seasonalbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 6 months ago

Sharon and Paul liked this
Sharon B

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Can’t wait to start drinking all the holiday beers!

Heavy Seas

The Greater Pumpkin

I really like the triple interplay on this cloven Satyr. Bourbon, pumpkin and finally pie spices. The vanillin buoys the whole thing and the clove pokes out behind candied citrus and Apple. Big vanillin opening. Caramel, and an amazing balance aided by the recurring bourbon which tempers the cream soda. Everything just right with this one. #pumpkinbeer #pumpkin #imperialpumpkin — 9 years ago

Southern Tier Brewing Company

Pumking Imperial Pumkin Ale

Surprisingly light colored head that sprung up like a ghost and then shot back down to a smoky whisper. Rum notes with caramel cream in the lead; spun sugar, cinnamon and clove with yogurt pretzel and honeyed tea. Spicy entry boasts sweetness but not overwhelming. Pumpkin oil, vanilla, oaky caramel, cinnamon and bitter note that suggests charred pecan, and peppercorns. This beer is good because it doesn’t stay sweet throughout and instantly congers the autumnal spirit. It doesn’t get too artificial, borrowing most of its flavors from barrel. #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #ale #SouthernTier #imperialpumpkin #pumking #beer #seasonalbeer #oakaged #halloween #alehallows — 7 years ago


Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Burning pine nettle. Juniper, cinnamon, allspice. Headlong tumble into a briar patch of allspice, mint, star anise, peppercorn, gunpowder tea, valerian root, sarsaparilla, tin can, juniper revisited, green dye. Burly offering. Tastes like a river full of cyborg Devils. #weyerbacher #pumpkinbeer #pumpkin #imperialpumpkin — 9 years ago