
Southern Tier Brewing Company

Pumking Imperial Pumkin Ale

Surprisingly light colored head that sprung up like a ghost and then shot back down to a smoky whisper. Rum notes with caramel cream in the lead; spun sugar, cinnamon and clove with yogurt pretzel and honeyed tea. Spicy entry boasts sweetness but not overwhelming. Pumpkin oil, vanilla, oaky caramel, cinnamon and bitter note that suggests charred pecan, and peppercorns. This beer is good because it doesn’t stay sweet throughout and instantly congers the autumnal spirit. It doesn’t get too artificial, borrowing most of its flavors from barrel. #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #ale #SouthernTier #imperialpumpkin #pumking #beer #seasonalbeer #oakaged #halloween #alehallows — 7 years ago