
Timber Ales

Fields of Fall

Timber Ales ‘Fields of Fall’ imperial Stout

Nearly headless, dark cocoa pate with rapid bubble breakdown. Candlewax serpents dripping lacings over oily trails leave one-eyed bunny trace. Solid black across and through. Glass stainer. Nose of roasted pumpkin, roasted coffee, black strap molasses, dark cocoa nibs, roasted chestnut. Heavy mouthfeel mimics the molasses smell, and gives toffee and Turkish coffee impressions. Initial taste bitters quickly, but subsequent tastes are coated in treacle. Pumpkin and spice give this a perceptively plump middle. The finish is forever. Mwahahaha!

#timberales #timberalesimperialstoutwithpumpkin
#Imperialstoutpumkinnutmegvanillacinnamon #pumpkinspice #stout #fieldsoffall #beer #bier #biere #bierre #birra #cerveza #ctbeer
— 5 months ago

ESF, Severn and 1 other liked this

Founders Brewing Company

Imperial Stout

Wow, coffee bean colored head turns lighter cream; from biscotto to sponge texture to satin. Garden of the gods lacing. Espresso, mocha, dark chocolate, burnt brittle, and toffee nose. Rich and complex and focused with deft straddle of bitter and sweet, creamy and dry. Chocolate assumes a caramel droplet, while honey comes to mind with floral notes. Ribbons of Turkish coffee, and plenty of oak and char compete for the remainder. Big, sinewy, chewy and earthy, just wrapped in sumptuous sweets. Awesome! .
#founders #foundersbrewing #foundersimperialstout #imperialstout #stout #russianimperialstout #dankbeer #bigberr #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja
— 4 years ago

Neil, Severn and 3 others liked this

Samuel Smith Old Brewery

Imperial Stout Beer

Black with burnt umber highlights. Low and creamy head springs with bubbles combining to undercut its great form. Fireworks lacing slow falls to leopard spots. Espresso and baker’s chocolate nose boasts licorice and chicory, campfire notes and vanilla. Palate shows none of the sweet elements of the nose initially. Instead, pipe tobacco and unsweetened bitter chocolate, the chicory and burnt toast prevail; a burnt tips taste lingering. Baked pecan, dark caramel, black pepper, and ethiopean coffee, with black chewing tobacco and vanilla bean complete the circuit. Power and restraint, in this lovely offering. This really did set the standard. #samuelsmiths #samuelsmitholdbrewery #tadcaster #NYorks #imperialstout #stout #englishstout #beer #classicbeer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #britbeer #britannia #ukberr #ukstout #britishbeer #britishstout — 4 years ago

Andrew, David and 2 others liked this

Oskar Blues

Ten Fidy Imperial Stout

Espresso black with mocha toppings. Unctuous pointillism of zygote fossilization. Carbon paper, licorice, treacle, Turkish coffee, toffee, and a sapling-meets-whiskey, cinnamon, gingerbread, dried fig, and sarsaparilla scented number. (My wife thinks this tastes of cough syrup, but it is just whiskey centric) big, charred whiskey entry with dark caramel and Christmas pudding, that turns to burnt fructose. Awesome depth and breadth! .
#beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja #stout #barrelagedbeer #barrelagedstout #oakaged #oakagedstout #imperialstout #oskarblues #oskarbluesbrewing #tenfidy #stovepipetenfidy #oskarbluestenfidy #bourbonbarrelaged #cobeer #coloradobeer
— 5 years ago

David, Severn and 2 others liked this

Brewery Ommegang

All Hallow’s Treat

Ommegang All-Hallows Treat. Black as soot with arabica creme head billowing; starling lacing in dimpled oils. Clean with creamy afterfeel, and the thinnest veil of peanut vaporous and undulating as the mask of the demoniac, entering the nose on tasting with caramel coffee and as spidery threads beneath the bitter, earthy toast of oaken bonds. Dark in soul and art. Best Chocolate Peanut butter beer I have had.

#ommegang #brewwryommegang #allhallowstreat #ommegangallhallows #imperialchocolatepeanutbutterstout #imperialstout #stout #cooperstownNY #kansascityMO #graaaiins
— 5 months ago

Sharon, ESF and 2 others liked this

Hi-Wire Brewing

Chai 10W-40

Motor oil monicker is apt for this black beauty. Big top springs into action in latte tones, and is pulled back to the viscous tar. Tea leaves lacing slide slowly to obscurity. Licorice and chai nose flecked with sparkling candies ginger and an array of mints. Medium heavy mouthfeel lifted by ethereal spices flaunts cardamom, clove, allspice, nutmeg and citrus oils, dark sugar and coffee notes framed by oak and buried vanilla. Sticky finish lingers; pair with ginger snaps. Must be fall.
#hiwire #hiwirebrewing #hiwire10w40 #hiwireimperialstout #chaibeer #abv #stout #imperialstout #ncbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #darkbeer #motoroil #chai #10w40
— 3 years ago

David and Ron liked this
Ron R

Ron R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Stouts aren’t my thang, but it looks good in the glass.

Prairie Artisan Ales

Bomb! Imperial Stout

Hard poured this inky octopus to a pattern-bald, latte-afro pate with dancing nematode swirls in space riffs. Sticky cellulite ‘lacing’ painting the glass with stain-stars. Black. Burnt baklava aromas, maple char, black chocolates with windowsill mint, malty dark caramel, baked aromas. Coffee and resinous chocolate, baked maple syrup, poppy torts, rye bread with dark caramel, baked chocolate with ganache for a sleepover, Thai coffee reduction, treacle, a sweet black pepper and sassafras and dark rum sprouting fresh vanilla bean. Intensely variegated, layered, concentrated. The Dagwood of imperial stouts. Piled 6 feet high, enjoy with a friend, horizontally. .
#nordaggioscoffee #prairieartisanales #prairiebomb #imperialstout #stout #coffeestout #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #dankbeer #krebsbrewing #okbeer #krebsoklahoma
— 5 years ago

Severn, Mike and 5 others liked this
Severn Goodwin

Severn Goodwin Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Love these guys, can be tricky to source on the East Coast, but worth the search.
David Kline

David Kline Influencer Badge

I have these brought to me, or pick them up, mid-country. Worth it every time!

State Of Brewing

Oatmeal Stout

State of Brewing, Wisconsin. Oatmeal stout.

Almost-black stout with a nuclear head that sizzles in brownish red. Mangrove root lacings turn leaping, pulled taffy reindeer. Chocolate nose shows a slight bent of minty, below molasses and rich coffee. Palate shows pecan and coffee bean, allspice and nutmeg in abundance, but somehow is the perfect ramp up to calendar finale. I am too exhausted to doubt it.

#stateofbrewing #wisconsinbeer #wibeer #stout #darkbeer #oatmeslstout #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

Anchorage Brewing Company

Darkest Hour Imperial Stout

Black as starless space, mostly headless, with dark brown bubbling at the neck. Deep espresso turns darkest chocolate, charred cinnamon and dark caramel, licorice, and dark brittle. Savory, charred chocolate and bittersweet arabica. Deep treacle, licorice echo, with brandy notes sporting chocolate haloes. Intense, visceral, and unforgettable.

#anchorage #anchoragebrewingcompany #anchoragebrewing #alaskabeer #akbeer #stout #imperialstout #darkesthour #anchoragebrewingdarkesthour #anchoragedarkesthour #anchorageak #barrelaged #brandybarrelsged #oakaged
— 3 years ago

Sharon, Ira and 3 others liked this
Sharon B

Sharon B Influencer Badge

I got married in Anchorage!
David Kline

David Kline Influencer Badge

Wow, bet it was epic. Florida a big opposite in every way!

Guinness Ltd.

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout

So very class! Black as space, with a nebula of chestnut. Rides high, but dismounts to palomino stars and bubble islands. Swirl it and it stacks right back up! Witchy runes and dismembered arms clutching axes narrate the lacing. Pecan and hazelnut, charred caramel, bitter chocolate and black bread with burnt caraway and salted licorice! That’s just the nose. Medium mouthfeel drops pure dark chocolate to coat the tongue, blackened brittle, a treacle touch that hardens like toffee over rye. Fine coffee, black, but home from the pub smelling of vanilla, a bitter bout with chit and chicory, but nutty like baked walnut atop a brownie. Delicious stuff! Glad I revisited! Just the balm to soothe a weathered soul in a time of crisis. Cheers!
#guinness #guinessstout #guinnessforeignstout #irishbeer #irishstout #stout #guinnessforeignextrastout #extrastout #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #darkbeer
— 5 years ago

Neil, David and 3 others liked this