
Hi-Wire Brewing

Chai 10W-40

Motor oil monicker is apt for this black beauty. Big top springs into action in latte tones, and is pulled back to the viscous tar. Tea leaves lacing slide slowly to obscurity. Licorice and chai nose flecked with sparkling candies ginger and an array of mints. Medium heavy mouthfeel lifted by ethereal spices flaunts cardamom, clove, allspice, nutmeg and citrus oils, dark sugar and coffee notes framed by oak and buried vanilla. Sticky finish lingers; pair with ginger snaps. Must be fall.
#hiwire #hiwirebrewing #hiwire10w40 #hiwireimperialstout #chaibeer #abv #stout #imperialstout #ncbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #darkbeer #motoroil #chai #10w40
— 3 years ago

David and Ron liked this
Ron R

Ron R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Stouts aren’t my thang, but it looks good in the glass.