
Heavy Seas

The Greater Pumpkin

Oily bubble, troil of trouble. Inky dinky dew lacing dripping around the hulk of the behemoth leviathan like measured cliff grooves. Mace, allspice, cinnamon apple, cedar and brown sugar-caramel define the shape of the nose. Bourbon is bursting from its pumpkin shell and therein lies its maple well. Impressively endless resonation of whisk(e)y arpeggios circling round the usual barrel suspects sing with real meaning the pear and apple, fig and tobacco, cola and bitter pineapple. Incontrovertibly stunning.

#heavyseas #mdbeer #heavyseasbeer #heavyseasgreaterpumpkin #greaterpumpkin #pumpkinale #imperialpumpkinale #bourbonbarrelaged #unchartedwaters #unchartededwatersseries #beer #biere #bier #birra #cerveza #seasonalbeer
— 5 months ago

Paul, Neil and 1 other liked this

21st Amendment Brewery

Pumpkin Haze IPA

Apple juice and antique gold had a baby. Lively head in a rocket blast. Grainy ghoul forest lacing. Lemon, orange and creamy vanilla and lemon panna cotta. Lemongrass and a twist of basil. Palate has a creamy cinnamon and nutmeg, but holds it together in a cream soda meets hops sort of way. Much better than it sounds. This beer gets it right in every way. Balanced, spiced to the ginger gills, and beer-tastic in its taste. True to beer and pumpkin pie spice. Haunting finish.

#21stAmendmentpumkinhazeipa #pumpkinhazeipa #pumpkinipa #hazyipa #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinale
— a year ago

Big Top Brewing Company

Pumpkin Stiltskin

Big Top Brewing Company Pumpkin Stiltskin pumpkin ale. Cappuccino foam, cream colored head. Cola caramel body with reddish hues. Soapy wash to liquid craqueleur lacing that spiderlegs. Lovely nose of pumpkin pie with cider donut on top. Brown and raw sugar shine as nutmeg and clove push energetically; cinnamon oil surfaces. Big Top has us thinking fondly of the people in Sarasota tonight, and fervently hoping for their safety!

#sarasotafl #sarasotaflorida #bigtopbrewingcompany #bigtopbrewing #bigtoppumpkinstiltskin #pumpkinstiltskin #pumpkinale #pumpkinbeer #flbeer #hurricane #flhurricane
— 6 months ago

Andrew and Paul liked this

Shipyard Brewing Co.

Smashed Pumpkin Ale

Waited a bit to get spooky with this one! Boo! Orange sourdough, caramel glass, cinnamon-chiles, cardamom, and cedar with dark brown sugar, dates and molasses. Fly agaric lacing does the micro polka on the glass as mystic swirls of smoke trace spirals from the cream colored top to the surface skim. Cinnamon leads the gourd charge, sweet potato follows, pepper and black raisin buttress those initials, while darkened caramel fills the void of clove, burnt candy and BBQ blood orange before swisher cherry sweetness.
#shipyard #mebeer #mainebeer #mainelife #shipyardsmashedpumpkin #shipyardsmashedpumpkin #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinale #ale #beer #biere #bier #cerveza #cerveja #seasonalbeer #beerisflavored #shutupaboutpumpkinbeernottastinglikepumpkin
— 4 years ago

Sharon, Neil and 1 other liked this
Sharon B

Sharon B Influencer Badge

Great description!

Tripping Animals Brewing Company


Tea-cola amber with garnet glints. Puffalump head that holds it high. Frayed rigging lacing. Refreshing lemon-ginger open that stays the backbone. Allspice, cinnamon, light brown sugar, nutmeg, mace and clove in just the right measures. It is that time of year for anyone with opposable thumbs! Possums, back feet only, please! I know this increases tripping risk, but I did ask nicely.

#trippinganimals #trippinganimalsbrewing #flbeer #doralfl #pumpkin #pumpkinale #brownale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #seasonalbeer

— 7 months ago

Natasha and Paul liked this

Tampa Bay Brewing Company

Gourds Gone Wild

Tampa Bay Brewing Co. ‘Gourds Gone Wild’
Amber expectation unravel to express whipped cream on pumpkin pie! Heavy on the cream! Flaky crust seems imminent. This motif swings full circle on the palate-pirouette to suggest the same with clove and nutmeg in tow. Beer aspect has turned treacle-sarsaparilla but genuine and tasty-toasted, so, let it go! Haters hate Christmas ales too and summer and seasonal but love their Willy wonky candy beers. Grow some. The style is good, screaming autumn from the hollow skull of Halloween. Don’t be scared!

#tbbc #tampabaybrewingcompany #goiudsgonewild #pumpkinale #flabeer #floridabeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

Tom, Paul and 1 other liked this

Shipyard Brewing Co.

Smashed Pumpkin Ale

Pumpkin prominent, as are cinnamon, cardamom and allspice. Cedar Plank, toasted corn and roasted gourd. Unctuous mouthfeel that is rich. Maple syrup, brown sugar and malt, golden raisin, creamy pumpkin, chai latte, with a little pepper spicing up the finish. #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinale #shipyard #smashedpumpkin #shipyardbrewery #pumpkin #seasonalbeer #beer — 7 years ago