Grainy date and fig with malty caramel, hot cocoa with cinnamon and dark honey, anise and dark cacao, bitter coffee foam, and copper aromas. Malty entry with rich gingerbread and black sugar. Citrus chocolate interplay, boasting orange peel and candied lemon but shadowed by sarsaparilla and cola, black bread, allspice and pecan with black strap molasses. #barrelaged #4wood #heavyseas #unchartedwaters #plankIV #beer #quads #belgianquad #belgianstyle #oakaged #abv #quadrupel #2016 — 7 years ago
David Kline
Oily bubble, troil of trouble. Inky dinky dew lacing dripping around the hulk of the behemoth leviathan like measured cliff grooves. Mace, allspice, cinnamon apple, cedar and brown sugar-caramel define the shape of the nose. Bourbon is bursting from its pumpkin shell and therein lies its maple well. Impressively endless resonation of whisk(e)y arpeggios circling round the usual barrel suspects sing with real meaning the pear and apple, fig and tobacco, cola and bitter pineapple. Incontrovertibly stunning.
#heavyseas #mdbeer #heavyseasbeer #heavyseasgreaterpumpkin #greaterpumpkin #pumpkinale #imperialpumpkinale #bourbonbarrelaged #unchartedwaters #unchartededwatersseries #beer #biere #bier #birra #cerveza #seasonalbeer — 5 months ago