
Cigar City Brewing

Pineapple Tangerine Jai Alai

Darker-than-expected amber, off-white pate, negative photo of space. Paisley lacing. Beautiful nose of ruby grapefruit, cut pineapple and tangerine in the seams. Bursting from the glass! Like a pure tangerine first sip. The finish brings the beer aspects, with bitter hop popping in the background, Meyer lemon and lime zest, with orange flavors zipping.

#jaialai #jaialaiipa #flabeer #pineappletangerinejaialai #cigarcitybrewing #cigarcity #cigarcityjaialai #tampa
— 3 years ago

Severn, ESF and 4 others liked this
Sharon B

Sharon B Influencer Badge

Your pineapple plant looks great! We rooted ours almost 3 years ago and still don’t have a pineapple 🍍
David Kline

David Kline Influencer Badge

This one is about five, I think. I have three more that are younger, and still to bloom.

Cigar City Brewing

Fancy Papers Hazy India Pale Ale

Opaque tangerine color that reddens toward the white with pink-y hinted top. Quick, cosmic dissipation. Lacing in sheets with buttons. Tangerine was spot on in the citrus aromatics, also peach, lemon, lime, ruby grapefruit and luxardo cherry. Really pleasant and clean, zesty mouthfeel. Metallic orange, pithy grapefruit, lime zest, lemon zest, white pepper sensation, poppyseeds, saline sunflower shell, and lemon pith. Citrus is racy and real in this session hazy. Tastes like Summer. #cigarcity #hazy #hazyipa #ipa #indiapaleale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #biere #cigarcitybrewing #flbeer #Tampabeer #ccb #ccbfancypapers #stratahops #idaho7 — 5 years ago

Sharon, P and 3 others liked this


@David Kline Cheers 🍻

Cigar City Brewing

Spanish Cedar Jai Alai India Pale Ale

Spanish Cedar magic! Almost non-translucent tea amber with spongy top and scattered bubblecorns to match the coming peppercorns! Amphibious linearity to the lacing which sticks in undulating slickness. Peppery nose jostles for attention against pineapple, both cut fresh and dried. Peppercorn wins, agressively charging! Dried starfruit ferment and grapefruit pulp also struggle. Palate weight is food friendly, and would make a great pairing with steak or Gorgonzola or sour cream crisps. Peppery essence crystallizes around malts and resinous cedar with cooked caramel and burnt sugar, but none of it deviates too far from Mr. Peppercorn’s locus. Not a beer for everyone! This thing is a unique palate teaser! I personally love its wooden depth, and lack of sugar on the finish. Grapefruit pith softness and cracked, black peppercorns encrusting. #ccb #cigarcitybrewing #spanishcedarjaialai #jaialai #ccbjaialai #cigarcitybrewingspanishcedarjaialai #ipa #jaialaiipa #indiapaleale #barrelaged #cedaraged #flbeer #flabeer #tampabeer #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja — 5 years ago

Mike and Neil liked this

Cigar City Brewing

Jai Alai White Oak India Pale Ale

Spongy, bubbling crown of clown hair that bubbles away into an aurora without significant lacing; just the odd outcropping. Orange pith and lemon vie against carrot and pineapple upside down cakes. Hempseed, ginger and and a touch of cypress cameo with grapefruit seed aromas. Less creamy than in the past, with the sense of orange bitters through the lifespan. Pecan shell, cigar box, grapefruit oil, nettle, pronounced oak toast, and metallic lemon. Somehow different from years past. Maybe American oak lending a Spanish moss dryness to the finish. #cigarcitybrewing #whiteoakjaialai #jaialai #ipa #beer #paleale #indiapaleale #florida #ale #oakaged #ccb #oakonthis #beerprudence — 7 years ago

James liked this

Cigar City Brewing

Space Pope IPA

Über-bubble, if-just hazed, loose ocean foam, goes poof!, then just nebulae. Oily lacing of misfit moustaches. One swirl, though, and instant star nursery. Tangelo-lemon goodness blasts from the glass! Pure tropical mango from the tree. Grapefruit aspirations. Equally bright palate with the focus on a mineral-citrus that finds the perfect palatial trajectory, and sticks the landing on four hops. Namely, Mosaic for the baptismal tesserae, Citra for the gilded apse, Hallertau Blanc for the hallowed ground, and galaxy for the space between. Amen to the combo. Tartaric reverberations through a briny air, really quite evocative. This tastes the way Florida sometimes smells just after a rain. Tropical and saturated, but clean and spring-y. Jasmine, sweet grapefruit pith, lime and lemon. Really a great beer! .
#cigarcitybrewing #cigarcity #ccb #ccbspacepope #spacepope #mossichops #citrahops #Hallertaublanc #galaxyhops #hoppy #hops #beer #ipa #indiapaleale #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #ale #flbeer #flabeer #Tampabeer
— 5 years ago

P, David and 9 others liked this


@David Kline David great post Cheers 🍻

Cigar City Brewing

Good Gourd Imperial Pumpkin Ale 2016

It is Pumpkin time Jack! Better than a knife in the eye! Warm creme brûlée scents ooze through the oily cedar spice and cinnamon apple fragrances. Creamy textured, baked pear and caramel notes with a vanilla finish. Cut deep and let out your inner ancestor! #pumpkin #cigarcitybrewing #goodgourd #pumpkinbeer — 8 years ago