Shadowy red amber, nearly translucent, coconut meat-colored head with winged lacing of butterflies and descending birds that morph to blobs. Honey tea and Hawaiian bread sweetness on the nose, with lemon, and orange zest. Tea and dinner roll compete and dark pretzel is evoked. Oregano flecks dryly; sesame, corn meal and baked black olive. What month is it? Sept..Okt...No...longest year ever! Just end. Good beer, needs greasy meats. .
#26degreesbrewing #26brewing #flbeer #pompanobeer #pompanobeachfl #flabeer #märzenlager #märzen #26degreesoktoberfest #oktoberfest #lager #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja — 4 years ago
Penn Brewery märzen. Topaz-Amber body; creamy blonde-touched head of fine mousse. Sheet lacing dissolves to Dover cliffs. Cirrus afterlace. Pretzel bread nose with dried grapefruit peel, apple and pear. Rich mouthfeel and hint of sarsaparilla. Pecan and dark pretzel, lemon dusting and lime oil. Phenomenal offering! Just perfect!
#pennbrewery #pennbrewerymarzen #märzen #pittsburghpa #PAbeer #oktoberfest #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza — 6 months ago
Gorgeous amber with orange evokes fine scotch. Tortoise shell lacing materializes. Orange bread and toasted sesame, Marcona almond, plantain and butternut squash pencil in the autumnal details. Poppyseed, toasty malt, allspice, acorn squash bread and a touch of ginger spice. Forgot what a seasonal treat this is!
#ayinger #ayingerprivatbrauerei #oktoberfest #oktoberfestbeer #oktoberfestmärzen #bavarianfestlager #festmärzen #bavarianbier #bier #deutschebier #octoberfest #germanbeer #reinheitsgebot #allemagne #birra #biere #märzen #cerveza #beer #cerveja
— 3 years ago
Orange-y off white egg head over dark auburn beverage. Caterpillar tamarind lacing. Feathered stork afterlace. Sweet, bread-y nose of dinner roll, potato bread and lemon zest. Mineral shine on the palate; hint of grapefruit. Refreshing tropical evocations make brief debuts, culminating in key lime zest on golden bread.
#bluepoint #bluepointbrewing #märzen #marzenstylelager
#nybeer #patchogueNY — 6 months ago
White capped drop to cirrus clouds and white crayon dogs over a golden amber pool. Oily lacing slips into obscurity, undeciphered. Tangerine and lemon oils confront grapefruit and cashew on the nose. Light clove and blood orange emerge in golden lemon zest on the palate. The bread-y center reads as sourdough, and plays peek-a-boo with razor thin toffee creme.
#bradenton #bradentonfl #flbeer #motorworksbrewing #motorworks #motorworksoktoberfest #oktoberfest #festbeer #festbier #märzen #märzenstyle #marzenstylelager #marzenlager #lager #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 7 months ago
Rich amber, ultra creamy head. Unctuous lacing spills snowmelt down igneous volcano necks. Nose of lemon bread and baked yellow beet, carrot, drizzled caramel, and limoncello cream. Chai pops in from nowhere. Somewhat muted entry with a boozy malted note, wildflower honey and bee pollen from the same. Splashes of cola pecan and cinnamon crust. #founders #foundersbrewingco #foundersoktoberfest #märzen #mibeer #michiganbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja — 5 years ago
David Kline
Founders Brewing Ultimate Oktoberfest
Auburn colored amber sports a negative constellation lid in puffy cream. Toxic avenger lacing mid-melt leaves leaping fish to swooping birds. Honeyed brown bread nose has hints of coffee, peanut, baked brown sugar and yeasty dough. Strong vanilla lingers as whiskey shines in caramel, cedar and cinnamon firstly, toffee, allspice, orange, baked pear as afterthought. Tertiary flavors persist indefinitely spurred in by successive sipping. Grand.
#founders #foundersbrewing #FoundersUltimateOktoberfest #UltimateOktoberfest #märzen #imperialmärzen #imperial #barrelagedseries #barrelaged #bourbonbarrelaged #foundersbarrelagedseries #beer #Oktoberfest #bier — 4 months ago