Literally spotted a/the white buffalo on the surface after tame hoar-head dissipation. Luminous, ominous, oceanic depths predation lights lacing. Big schnozz of schnitzel, and apple-orange dichotomies that cease to diverge. Pretzel bread here, half-doughy, but with lemon and orange zestings. Yeast is showing just the tip of its tangy bits. Spots of coriander and allspice insinuation, and toasty sesame, but all reined into a slightly creamy and brilliant realization! Zehr gut!
#fürstcarl #pilsunfiltered #schlossbrauereiellingen #reinheitsgebot #handwerklichgebraut #craftbeer #pils #plsen #bier #beer #bière #cerveza #seit1690 — 2 years ago
Gorgeous amber with orange evokes fine scotch. Tortoise shell lacing materializes. Orange bread and toasted sesame, Marcona almond, plantain and butternut squash pencil in the autumnal details. Poppyseed, toasty malt, allspice, acorn squash bread and a touch of ginger spice. Forgot what a seasonal treat this is!
#ayinger #ayingerprivatbrauerei #oktoberfest #oktoberfestbeer #oktoberfestmärzen #bavarianfestlager #festmärzen #bavarianbier #bier #deutschebier #octoberfest #germanbeer #reinheitsgebot #allemagne #birra #biere #märzen #cerveza #beer #cerveja
— 3 years ago
David Kline
Coffee black-brown with auburn glinting, cappuccino crema swirled tête. Weasel vs Mantis lacing with crawdad implications. Reishi mushroom and wood ear nose emanate as lace turns to cosmic fox. Palate is browned wheat roll, and pecans with lemon zest. Nutty and refreshing.
#eibauer #eibauerschwarzbier #schwartzbier #reinheitsgebot #privatbrauereieibauer #deutschebier #deutschland #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 2 months ago