Alpenglow head with pink salmon tinges. Creamy crop with teardrop stylized baby fauna lacing. Bright clementine-lemon nose that smacks of unfrosted cinnamon roll, lemon pecan sandies, and honey, with lime oil, and dried pineapple. Suddenly, racy lemon and orange aggressively burst forth from behind a malty waterfall, elbowing Earl Gray in his Milquetoast-maker, before knocking seven bells out of his breadbasket and butternut. Flavorful despite a decidedly violent streak.
#topplinggoliath #topplinggoliathbrewery #topplinggoliathoktoberfest #oktoberfest #limitededition #oktoberfestlager #lager #IAbeer #decorahia #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 6 months ago
Topaz colored Marzen Lager with orange-beige brim. Oily lacing that doesn’t grip, just slithers like snaky digits, then visually ossifies to porous porcini underbelly. Wheat bread nose, with candy brittle. Lemon tea, cola and balsa. Almost sweet tea greets the tongue, holding the lemon note which gives way to potato bread, and a dash of brown sugar. Sweet elements are not vocal, but do harmonize. A very well orchestrated Marzen which is pleasant, refreshing and adequately complex. Prost!
#brooklynnbrewing #brooklynbrewingOktoberfest #Oktoberfest #Marzen #marzenlager #NYbeer #impossiblefoods #impossiblebratwurst — 6 months ago
Florida Ave Brewing Co. Super Märzen Brothers Oktoberfest Lager
Semi translucent mashroom floor of broken-brick amber with a tinge of peach, emits a bubbly toupée crown fit for a Koopa. 8-bit lacing. Sesame toast nose gets the axe from a cinnamon note that p-wings and creeps (and this is wrong) like Diddy Kong. Ta-tang-y grapefruit follows. The palate shows tangerine and tabak, a close brush with barrel, a nutty pecan and macadamia, finally bittering to Bowser breath. PuN intendo!
#FlAveBrewing #FloridaAvenueBrewingCompany #floridaavenuebrewingco #floridaavenue #supermärzenbrothers #oktoberfestlager #oktoberfest #lager #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 4 months ago
White capped drop to cirrus clouds and white crayon dogs over a golden amber pool. Oily lacing slips into obscurity, undeciphered. Tangerine and lemon oils confront grapefruit and cashew on the nose. Light clove and blood orange emerge in golden lemon zest on the palate. The bread-y center reads as sourdough, and plays peek-a-boo with razor thin toffee creme.
#bradenton #bradentonfl #flbeer #motorworksbrewing #motorworks #motorworksoktoberfest #oktoberfest #festbeer #festbier #märzen #märzenstyle #marzenstylelager #marzenlager #lager #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 6 months ago
Spiced tea orange body blooms a smoke stained mane of energy dispensed to dusk dune reflections; then wisps. Orange zested dark breads, a touch of white pepper, grain husks, and bee pollen on the nose. Incredibly weighted in terms of bitter and sweet interplay. Lemon emerges, clove flower, hibiscus tea, orange pekoe, sweet tea, tea biscuit. Delightful.
#suncreekbrewery #deutschlandperle #perle #oktoberfest #2023release #suncreekdeutschlandperle2023 #festbeer #festbier #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 6 months ago
Penn Brewery märzen. Topaz-Amber body; creamy blonde-touched head of fine mousse. Sheet lacing dissolves to Dover cliffs. Cirrus afterlace. Pretzel bread nose with dried grapefruit peel, apple and pear. Rich mouthfeel and hint of sarsaparilla. Pecan and dark pretzel, lemon dusting and lime oil. Phenomenal offering! Just perfect!
#pennbrewery #pennbrewerymarzen #märzen #pittsburghpa #PAbeer #oktoberfest #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza — 5 months ago
Persimmon colored amber with bone white crown showing yellow orange hues. Lace rock bridges crumble to wolves howling, then to sauropods gliding. The residual ice shelf showed a clear question mark. Now this one brings the nose-bread, with honeyed brown, potato, and dinner roll; lightest citrus note reflections. Grilled lemon and ripe lemon bathe one another with cola and ginger while a bitter acorn asserts. Light brown sugar and even a cinnamon edge protrude as grapefruit takes the helm and captains this interesting animal into the beyond. Spicy, citrusy, gleaming.
#oddsideales #oddside #oddsideoddtober #oddtoberfest #oktoberfest #marzen #marzenbier #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 6 months ago
Amber tinged head atop an amber, auburn clarity. Light bananas foster turns up the rum-sage on the nose, then brings peanut oil, and allspice. Peanut brittle and dark brown sugar nestle inside rye toast, brioche and a bittering savory whisper. Pleasant interplay of malt and bitter, but always with a slightly honeyed finish.
#lefthand #lefthandbrewing #lefthandoktoberfest #oktoberfest #marzen #marzenlager #seasonal #longmontCO #CObeer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 6 months ago
Weighty wights headlessly puff hoar-breath sketches of new geographies into ruddy, amber oceans swirling. Hearty bread and malt-caramel nose, with a beurre blanc note. Orange and lemon lift this bread-y loaf with effort, but it tumbles back to grain flour and iced coffee couched in a spongey honey roll, this is the crux of its push and pull perpetuity.
#sixpointbrewery #sixpoint #sixpointoktoberfest #oktoberfest #octoberfest #marzen #marzenlager #nybeer #brooklynbeer #seasonalbeer #prost — 6 months ago
David Kline
Founders Brewing Ultimate Oktoberfest
Auburn colored amber sports a negative constellation lid in puffy cream. Toxic avenger lacing mid-melt leaves leaping fish to swooping birds. Honeyed brown bread nose has hints of coffee, peanut, baked brown sugar and yeasty dough. Strong vanilla lingers as whiskey shines in caramel, cedar and cinnamon firstly, toffee, allspice, orange, baked pear as afterthought. Tertiary flavors persist indefinitely spurred in by successive sipping. Grand.
#founders #foundersbrewing #FoundersUltimateOktoberfest #UltimateOktoberfest #märzen #imperialmärzen #imperial #barrelagedseries #barrelaged #bourbonbarrelaged #foundersbarrelagedseries #beer #Oktoberfest #bier — 3 months ago