Orange amber, orange blossom and orange taste for orange season. White-beige head with vinous lacing. Blood orange, plums, caramel nougat, smells of grapefruit on the grill, lemons too. Belgian malt echoes, nutritional yeast, candied orange, orange zest, marmalade, caramel and carrot bread. Easy drinker, but depth is there, and delightful interplay of sweet and citrus! Really thoughtful ipa. .
#sixpointbrewery #nybeer #brooklynbeer #bengali #sixpointbengali #ipa #indiapaleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveja #cerveza #paleale #ale — 4 years ago
Yellow watermelon orange, border of opacity. Loose, bright, white foam. Suddenly enough, none, but fast and oily brain grooves and amorphous blob-people trace out the forlorn and droopy lacings. Cheer up! The nose is full of concentrated tangerine zest, with look-alive lime, and lemon scented sunshine glinting off of shattered space debris. There is something so ‘dessicated lemon’ here, with a lambic-balsam edge, but also gasoline and lemongrass-white pepper. Anomalistic. Tasty sour pear, grapefruit, and funky golden plum all burst in sour unison, leaving pineapple to prickle amidst the pieces, and apricot shows ripely, timely and dedicatedly sweet, perhaps even slightly dried. Really amazing and complex, seamless without becoming divergent or clunky. Sour NE style double ipa... looking forward to the imperial version, should one materialize. #sixpoint #sixpointbrewing #sixpointbrewery #sixpointcosmichandshake #sourale #sour #sourbeer #souripa #ipa #indiapaleale #newenglandipa #sournewenglanddipa #dipa #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #abv #dap #intergalactichighfive #collab #collaborationbeer #victorybrewing #twoworldscollide — 5 years ago
Big soft headed white octopus. Opaque, hazy, red-just-below-the-head soft-transitions to amber to lemon sorbet. Matador-giant lacings with low angle energy postures; twisted winter woods that stick hard. Lemon cake and orange bread nose breezes sweet carrot and even sweeter grapefruit and delightful cherry blossom. White cherry and raspberry- grapefruit over mandarin and its peel, candied ginger, nutmeg and a pith party. Mined salts and buzzy copper seem to interplay with underripe pineapple and distant orange essence in minutiae. #sixpointbrewing #sixpointbrewery #sixpointhootie #hops@#ipa #indiapaleale #hazy #hazyipa #idahohops #amarillohops #eldoradohops #galaxyhops #beerisculture #nybeer #brooklynbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveja #cerveza #ale #smallbatchbeer — 5 years ago
David Kline
Weighty wights headlessly puff hoar-breath sketches of new geographies into ruddy, amber oceans swirling. Hearty bread and malt-caramel nose, with a beurre blanc note. Orange and lemon lift this bread-y loaf with effort, but it tumbles back to grain flour and iced coffee couched in a spongey honey roll, this is the crux of its push and pull perpetuity.
#sixpointbrewery #sixpoint #sixpointoktoberfest #oktoberfest #octoberfest #marzen #marzenlager #nybeer #brooklynbeer #seasonalbeer #prost — 6 months ago