
Florida Avenue Brewing Co.

Super Märzen Bros

Florida Ave Brewing Co. Super Märzen Brothers Oktoberfest Lager
Semi translucent mashroom floor of broken-brick amber with a tinge of peach, emits a bubbly toupée crown fit for a Koopa. 8-bit lacing. Sesame toast nose gets the axe from a cinnamon note that p-wings and creeps (and this is wrong) like Diddy Kong. Ta-tang-y grapefruit follows. The palate shows tangerine and tabak, a close brush with barrel, a nutty pecan and macadamia, finally bittering to Bowser breath. PuN intendo!

#FlAveBrewing #FloridaAvenueBrewingCompany #floridaavenuebrewingco #floridaavenue #supermärzenbrothers #oktoberfestlager #oktoberfest #lager #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 5 months ago

Ron liked this

3 Sons Brewing Co.


3 Sons Brewing Co. Festbier
Cloudy, yellow-gold-amber, with a yeasty, porcine head. Finger O’ God lacing aspirationally pointing skyward, then back at Adam with accusation. Bread dough nose shows yeasty influence, but softly comforts an anticipated fest. Orange zest and lemon too, pepper the nose, as does white pepper and cardamom. Wake revelers! Clove is afoot like a cloven hoof! Brown sugar wheat bread crust, Bold entry o’ the goat does not disappoint, indeed, he has inspired this wyld Satyre!

#3SonsBrewingCo #Threesonsbrewing #threesonsfestbier #3sonsfestbier #festbier #oktoberfestlager #germanstylelager #daniabeach #daniabeachflorida #flbeer #lager
— 5 months ago

Tom, ESF and 3 others liked this

Toppling Goliath Brewing Company

Limited Edition Oktoberfest Lager

Alpenglow head with pink salmon tinges. Creamy crop with teardrop stylized baby fauna lacing. Bright clementine-lemon nose that smacks of unfrosted cinnamon roll, lemon pecan sandies, and honey, with lime oil, and dried pineapple. Suddenly, racy lemon and orange aggressively burst forth from behind a malty waterfall, elbowing Earl Gray in his Milquetoast-maker, before knocking seven bells out of his breadbasket and butternut. Flavorful despite a decidedly violent streak.

#topplinggoliath #topplinggoliathbrewery #topplinggoliathoktoberfest #oktoberfest #limitededition #oktoberfestlager #lager #IAbeer #decorahia #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 7 months ago

David, Paul and 2 others liked this