
Odd Side Ales

Oddtoberfest Märzenbier

Persimmon colored amber with bone white crown showing yellow orange hues. Lace rock bridges crumble to wolves howling, then to sauropods gliding. The residual ice shelf showed a clear question mark. Now this one brings the nose-bread, with honeyed brown, potato, and dinner roll; lightest citrus note reflections. Grilled lemon and ripe lemon bathe one another with cola and ginger while a bitter acorn asserts. Light brown sugar and even a cinnamon edge protrude as grapefruit takes the helm and captains this interesting animal into the beyond. Spicy, citrusy, gleaming.

#oddsideales #oddside #oddsideoddtober #oddtoberfest #oktoberfest #marzen #marzenbier #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 6 months ago

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