Quite nice. For the price. Say it once. Say it thrice. I drank this as I a) tried to avoid eating everything in my kitchen for the what-day-of-quarantine-are-we? day and b) tried to learn to appreciate Fiona Apple. I want to like her so much more but I feel she’ll be like Mars Volta. It’ll be an “okay I’ll let that shuffle choice play” until one day it hits and I’M IN. Maybe.
So lots of citrus and vanilla. Maybe some fake oak things I didn’t like up front but given time and air I appreciated the weight against the punchy greens and acid. Much as I’ll appreciate the slow cords against Fiona’s spoken-word-esque lyrics someday maybe.
But in all truth yeah I like this wine. It coats the mouth and ballasts they soul and has a lot going on for the price. And takes a minute to appreciate but it’s good for an evening. — 5 years ago
Another one I put off notes on! But let me tell you I was tempted to get another bottle just to make sure my original notes were accurate. Very bright and zippy that smells of grapefruits and seashells then tosses in yet more citrus and greenery on the palate. Oh so very fun, easy going and friendly like the sunshine that is not to bright, just right. — 5 years ago
This could use the additional information of being from the Viñedo Valle Hermoso, just to add that in. It’s all herbs and asparagus served on a plate of chalk and all that just sounds like...too much. But? They pull it off with aplomb. I’ve always been a minimalist but somehow this wine is maximalist and minimalist? I don’t know how they do it but it’s very good. — 5 years ago
Zippity do dah do this wine.so very refreshing but has a hint of softness too. Its acidity isn’t neon, more of a soft pastel—springlike. In fact I feel like this wine smells like Easter. A fresh lawn, some lilies, and morning dew. Do. Do this dew, not the mountain one. — 5 years ago
A snappy dresser, this Fumé Blanc, it wears colorful cravats and drops dry jokes like no tomorrow all while drinking a sophisticated well made daiquiri. Then it softens, and makes it clear to you that it is there for you. The sharp persona shed. For a moment. All of which to say is this wine is pungeant and herbal yet lemonyly (it’s a word now) with a hint of tropical flowers up front then there is a butter-you-up underbelly then it punches up with acid and alcohol. I want to be this wine’s friend but it will be one that keeps me on my toes. — 5 years ago
I’m just now catching up on adding my notes on this! Smith & Sheth always makes me happy. Even just on the nose this SB puts on a show, ripe fruit and minerality dancing quite elegantly. On the palate the show goes on although you can’t watch it because the wine is in your mouth and you don’t have eyes there. I hope. I get good acid, an essence of effervescence and flowers, gooseberries and a mango event. I drink CRU up I do! — 5 years ago
Ooooh I want to dance with this wine. It is nimble and graceful and yet structured enough to make you feel like it is a partner that will not drop you which is important if you are either going to a) attempt a lift or b) drink. Full of minerals and stone fruit with a lover’s bite of acid. It keeps you on your toes. — 6 years ago
Ellen Clifford

All sorts of mineral and chervil and just blooming honeysuckle. Golden hued with a bit of sap. All sort of understated but just complex enough and thirst quenching enough to keep one going. I believe there is a goodly amount of Semillon and a smidge of Muscadelle at play here, it is not especially expressive of Sauvignon Blanc but, you get it. Quite elegant. Rather balanced. I can drink a lot of it. And I suppose I shall it’s lockdown time, what else to do? — 5 years ago