I’m a big huge mega fan of Ochota. This wine has attitude and sass and carries it all off like...I don’t know maybe it’s the “the forest” name but it is like if goth-punk-pop went royal. All the red things: cherry compote rhubarb stew and some cracked peppercorn and dried branches and bramble and a texture of earth. Love it. — 5 years ago
A lovely balanced Pinot for an unbalanced Oscars so white night. Surprisingly rich and deep berries but with so much fun spice. Methinks maybe this spent some time in a wee bit of new oak too—but mainly I love the white pepper and baking spice fun on it. — 5 years ago
I think this isn’t my favorite vintage but Banshee remains a delight. Cherry Vanilla Coke for the wine lover. Texture of silk weight of...let’s call it thin wool. Soothing. Just interesting enough to keep me going and effortless enough to pay attention to my date. — 5 years ago
Dragonette, always and forever a best. They make slightly lighter Pinots but this one has some oomph. This is the wine of a Pinot grape that clawed it’s way to the top. Both structure and flavor-wise it’s a heavy hitter...for a Pinot. All of which to say dried cherries in vanilla essence and you went to a party and found out there would be a “conversation” about something serious as you dipped into the wine. It is not serious and also serious. Dragonette always has my heart. — 5 years ago
I may have a hard time writing a non-biased review—kinda like if I was reviewing a Nine Inch Nails album: FANGIRL. but I think I’m not alone. Is Domaine Anderson my Trent Reznor? Appropriate as for all the freshness and acid Anderson Valley lets in this wine has a heady darkness. It will take you down. It will take you. Interpret that however you will but all levels Domaine Anderson will price fabulous conversationalists. — 5 years ago
Tasted this directly after the Bergstrom I rated and omigosh how I loved it both for similarities to Bergstrom (ripe) and differences (so much baking spice and Vanilla Coke). I dunno. But both this and the Bergstrom are that person you meet who has their shit together and friggin’ look good doing it but, like, that’s not just their Instagram persona, they actually are. When they give you their number and actually text you you’re honored.
I would like these wines’ numbers. Promise not to overtext (maybe but words are my thing) — 5 years ago
Love this one! It is all red fruit with this slight pencil box (not cigar box, it’s that box with your pencils, pens, crayons and gum erasers and maybe a sneaky piece of Bubbilicious). It feels studious and decorous but it likes to chill on a Sunday and day drink. — 5 years ago
Ellen Clifford

Tonight’s actual quaranwine! If you aren’t wearing the same shirt you have all week/haven’t gained five stress-baking pounds you aren’t doing quarantine right. Also, ignoring this particular wine would be silly as it is reliable (needed in these times), scrumptious (needed always because yummy things make happy people) and yeah, I am a fan of Talbott’s work. You know those black and white pictures you see that if you look at one moment you see one thing and the next moment another? I feel like this wine is if paying attention to fruit—rich and heady! Then you think of acid, tannins and body and see something else. And all of that keeps you going through the glass. I’ve been lucky enough to have Talbott wines sent to me (yes this was a free sample but if you saw how many samples DIDN’T get written about...) and I feel lucky to be able to say both this and their Chardonnay have been dependably punching above their weight, price-wise. Yum. C’est tout. Ce soir. — 5 years ago