It is alive! And growing! But carries the wisdom of at least 50 years so like, if baby Yoda was wine...what I’m saying is this wine has youth and verve and also wisdom and it is a sage. Not that the wine or winery has age but this wine feels like it. This is the perfect balance of weight and weightless. And dried fruit and fresh and dark and light. Oh my. It inspires love in my heart n soul. — 5 years ago
Trying out my new Zalto Bordeaux glasses with Cali cab. This wine is easy peasy. It will not challenge you but sometimes that’s okay. Very ripe tannins and purpley fruit and there is a whiff of pepper to give a little edge. I have a feeling this may be a highly engineered act but I guess that’s why it’s a Freakshow. — 5 years ago
Omigosh I love this. It is warming and silky and also spicy but has enough acid to keep your mouth watering and it feels like a holiday in the winter that gives you the excuse to drink sweet liqueurs and eat fudge all wrapped up in velvet. It’s that kind of happy. — 5 years ago
Ellen Clifford

As far as scotch goes I’m down with this. A lot. Subtle smoke. All types of flour and grain. A mélange o’ citrus and some flowers. So cool. — 5 years ago