This is whaaaaa the wha so scrumptious. So juicy. So I don’t even know. It initially pours some spice n tannin n fruit then just—the juice abounds and the slight spice and it is a wonderland I can’t keep away from. So a good match for potato-y things. I can’t with this wine seriously someone else get it and tell me what they think but the juice on it does. not. quit — 5 years ago
Doesn’t quite pass as amaro but it’s my true love. Possibly a desert island thing. Orange. Bitter as all get out. Syrupy which works because the bitter. This is the friend who is a jerk but somehow their jerkiness plays off their good-human-magnitude and you love them even more. I’d marry Campari. — 7 years ago
I like. It is soft in a friendly way with enough acid to not be mad if (omg) you are drinking with some spicy thangs. Also if you aren’t gonna numb yourself with heat go ahead and take note of the melon, wet stones and myriad citrus going onnnnn. — 5 years ago
I contain multitudes and so does J. Especially the STRATA a wine as layered as the soil it comes from but way more elegant than dirt. It’s more like one of those patterned sand gardens someone raked. Berry rich but light, fills your mouth without coating it. Finish goes onnnnn. Also pairs with a certain favorite layered food tbd. — 5 years ago
Ellen Clifford

Verily enjoying. Not bad for a grocery store wine and quite nice for a fast food pairing. Live mas. — 5 years ago