So sweet. Honey. Full bodied. Delicious. — a month ago
Sweet, vanilla and honey, great desert wine. — 3 months ago
*Color isn’t quite as dark as the picture shows*
Followed over a few days. Consistent profile.
From 375ml
Advanced caramel color with a tinge of orange. Thankfully, aromatics are as expected with orange marmalade, caramel and toffee. Viscous and weighty profile with low acidity. Faint notes of honey roasted nuts on the palate, but it’s mostly an orange marmalade, caramel and apricot dominated profile. Finish shows good length for what is considered an off-vintage, with the apricot and some bourbon vanilla. Good on its own. Drink now. — 2 months ago
ソーテルヌ第1級。1995年で、穏やかな甘み。デザート用だけでなく幅広い料理に合わせることができた。@ Onda Tokyo小売価格7000円程度 ? — 3 months ago
Mary H
Age is just a number. Still has strong, heady aromas and flavors of apricots, stone fruits though no more tropical notes.after some time, aromas of creme caramel. Powerful backbone of acidity, tempered by flavors of herbs and bitters. Beautiful but with some complexity that comes with maturity. Paired with a slice of basque cheesecake. — 7 days ago