Sixpoint Brewery

Sixpoint Brewery


Weighty wights headlessly puff hoar-breath sketches of new geographies into ruddy, amber oceans swirling. Hearty bread and malt-caramel nose, with a beurre blanc note. Orange and lemon lift this bread-y loaf with effort, but it tumbles back to grain flour and iced coffee couched in a spongey honey roll, this is the crux of its push and pull perpetuity.

#sixpointbrewery #sixpoint #sixpointoktoberfest #oktoberfest #octoberfest #marzen #marzenlager #nybeer #brooklynbeer #seasonalbeer #prost
— 7 months ago

Tom, Sharon and 1 other liked this

Sixpoint Brewery

Cosmic Handshake

Yellow watermelon orange, border of opacity. Loose, bright, white foam. Suddenly enough, none, but fast and oily brain grooves and amorphous blob-people trace out the forlorn and droopy lacings. Cheer up! The nose is full of concentrated tangerine zest, with look-alive lime, and lemon scented sunshine glinting off of shattered space debris. There is something so ‘dessicated lemon’ here, with a lambic-balsam edge, but also gasoline and lemongrass-white pepper. Anomalistic. Tasty sour pear, grapefruit, and funky golden plum all burst in sour unison, leaving pineapple to prickle amidst the pieces, and apricot shows ripely, timely and dedicatedly sweet, perhaps even slightly dried. Really amazing and complex, seamless without becoming divergent or clunky. Sour NE style double ipa... looking forward to the imperial version, should one materialize. #sixpoint #sixpointbrewing #sixpointbrewery #sixpointcosmichandshake #sourale #sour #sourbeer #souripa #ipa #indiapaleale #newenglandipa #sournewenglanddipa #dipa #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #abv #dap #intergalactichighfive #collab #collaborationbeer #victorybrewing #twoworldscollide — 5 years ago

Severn, Sharon and 2 others liked this

Sixpoint Brewery

Bengali Tiger IPA

I remember this IPA as being one of the first super hoppy American beers I tried upon moving to this fine country in 2010. It was floral, bitter and unlike anything I'd had. Since then it's become an occasional go to. Good stuff and always happy to taste. — 7 years ago

Samantha, Trixie and 11 others liked this


Cheers! 🍺


@James Forsyth Cheers 🍻

Sixpoint Brewery

Stooper Hazy IPA

Apple cider amber with thick day-fog top layer that reduces to snow crystal tam. Mutant duck pond straggling lacing soon becomes window sill insect anatomy graveyard. German beer nose with tinges of orange rinds dried and fresh. Yeasty-haziness gives it green plantain and lightest spearmint marshmallow and artichoke. Damn tasty though, despite its jumble of signals. Jamaican coco bread, rosemary bits, polenta, beer-bitterness that the style usually glosses gives it a nice perspective lemon peel and lime, candied ginger and grapefruit; all low-keyed and harmonious. Lemon bread with poppy. Tasty yeasty baby beastie.

#sixpoint #sixpountstooper #stooper #hazyipa #hazy #ipa #nybeer #brooklynbeer #beerisculture #stoopbeer #citrahops #galaxyhops #hops
— 2 years ago

Paul, Severn and 2 others liked this

Sixpoint Brewery


Big shout out to Mike Taylor for the Shatter. Orange tinted straw gold; hazy, no lacing save for isolated jots. Huge perfume nose of orange and peach blossoms, lilies, daisies, marigold, and dandelion. What a fantastic integration of mouthfeel and intensity! Orange and lime oil, with lemon pudding, ginger, sweet grapefruit, lemongrass, green pear, paw paw and crystalline honey. A really nice double ipa! Generous finish! — 5 years ago

Severn, Sharon and 1 other liked this

Sixpoint Brewery

Barrel Aged Righteous Ale

Solid crown just off-white and slow to dissipate. Caramel and vanilla scrawled on oak, rubber band and pencil with golden apple and just a dusting of cinnamon. Tropical notes of dried pineapple, lemon cookie, peach skin, mocha and ripe butternut. Creamy, and initially caramel, but descends to tamarind, ginger, bitter orange, star anise, dark toasted oak, cinnamon bark, lemon zest, and finally rounds out to vanilla bean. Sublime walk through a jungle at sunset, ripe, pungent, seductive and still plenty of machete fodder. #sixpoint #righteousale #brooklyn #rye #barrelaged #ale #beer #dankbeer #doublewood #doublebarrel #righteous — 6 years ago

James liked this
James Forsyth

James Forsyth Influencer Badge

Wonderful taking note. Just nailed it.

Sixpoint Brewery

4Beans Imperial/Strong Porter

Love it very much! sweet, but not overpowering. not bitter either. very east to enjoy — 3 years ago

Sixpoint Brewery


Big soft headed white octopus. Opaque, hazy, red-just-below-the-head soft-transitions to amber to lemon sorbet. Matador-giant lacings with low angle energy postures; twisted winter woods that stick hard. Lemon cake and orange bread nose breezes sweet carrot and even sweeter grapefruit and delightful cherry blossom. White cherry and raspberry- grapefruit over mandarin and its peel, candied ginger, nutmeg and a pith party. Mined salts and buzzy copper seem to interplay with underripe pineapple and distant orange essence in minutiae. #sixpointbrewing #sixpointbrewery #sixpointhootie #hops@#ipa #indiapaleale #hazy #hazyipa #idahohops #amarillohops #eldoradohops #galaxyhops #beerisculture #nybeer #brooklynbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveja #cerveza #ale #smallbatchbeer — 5 years ago

Severn, Mike and 1 other liked this

Sixpoint Brewery

DDH Hi-Res Triple IPA

Heavy hitter here! Lemon Madelines covered in dark caramel, cola, orange zest, aged rum, fine tobacco, vanilla, baked blood of tubers, roasted chestnuts. The palate is aggressive as a sleeping beast caught unawares. An awkward silence, impending clash, metallic taste. Ethiopian coffee-candy, burnt cinnamon roll, honey-maple babies, brown sugar, licorice extract ash, African dream tea, Fernet branca tonic. Lingering dark aftertastes. Heavy and potent as the surprised eyes of the roused beast. Lunge. — 6 years ago

Severn and Brad liked this

Sixpoint Brewery

Crisp Beer 2004

A nice, cleaner version of the six point brews — 7 years ago