Lemon, green banana, lime pith, daisy, crushed rock dust, a sweet note: lemon verbena pudding. Lychee notes with lemon, lime and tangerine with amazing acid and mineral residuals that coalesce to lemon soaked pith. Round and lovely aura around tangential, edgy acid. Finesse. #tenutacavalierpepe #irpinafalanghina #falanghina #santavara #docg #italianwine #vinobianco #whitewine #campania #campagnia — 5 years ago
Homemade sushi with a 2018 rare white blend from Cantina Terlano-Kellerei 🥂🍣🇮🇹
A medium golden color fills the glass as I pour this wine from Alto Adige, Italy. The tropical fruit aromas of pears and peaches on the nose are blended with honey, citrus, and mineral notes. Light to medium body with a long finish.
It is a refreshing wine with well balanced acidity. We paired it with our homemade tuna and salmon rolls. A delicious pairing for a Saturday night!
All wines from Cantina Terlano are produced under DOC quality (Controlled Designation of Origin). In the Alto Adige Terlano area in particular, the DOC classification can only be used for white wines that contain a minimum of 50% Pinot Blanc and/or Chardonnay. This bottle is 60% Pinot Bianco, 30% Chardonnay, and 10% Sauvignon Blanc.
Cheers! 🇮🇹🥂
#altoadige #sushinight #altoadigewine #altoadigewines #italianwhitewine #whitewine #sushiandwine #homemadesushi #rarewhiteblend #italianwinetasting #saturdaywinepairings #winepairings #seafoodandwine — 5 years ago
#px #pedroximenez #dry #whitewine #montillamoriles — 5 years ago
Because it’s so damn hot! #whitewine #needcold — 6 years ago
Lovely acidity. Dry backbone. 2012 is aging well. I preferred it to the 2017. #furmint #hungary #whitewine — 5 years ago
Lean aromatic spot of light, clean, almost frosted lemon, lime juice, lime pith, and gooseberry aromas. Chalky. With zippy, bright lemon zest, nectarine, dried starfruit, green-white underripe blackberries, black currant leaf, and grapefruit pith. Amazing Sancerre with buoyancy and ethereal grace.
#Sancerre #chavignol #domainedelaporte #sauvignonblanc #blanc #loire #loirewine #loirevalley #loireblanc #frenchwhitewine #wine #whitewine #sb — 5 years ago
Accendo Cellars Sauvignon Blanc 2017
This is the wine the Araujo Family has been making since 2013. Refreshing. Floral with a nice balance of acidity and tropical fruits. This is a perfect wine for summer.
アクセンド セラーズのソーヴィニョンブラン 2017年をトライ。 アラウホ ファミリーが2013年からナパで手掛けるワイナリー。花の香りとともに酸とトロピカルフルーツが絶妙なバランスで、夏に飲みたくなるワイン。
#wine #whitewine #accendocellars #napa #napavalley #2017 #sauvignonblanc #californiawine #california #ワイン #カリフォルニアワイン #白ワイン #ソーヴィニョンブラン #アクセンドセラーズ #ナパ #ナパバレー #winegeek #winelover — 6 years ago
Sage Shimoda
2013 J. Rochioli Rachael’s Vineyard Chardonnay
Our New Year wine is 2013 J. Rochioli Rachael’s Vineyard Chardonnay. The wine has aged beautifully and combines elegance and gravitas.
新年最初のワインは、2013年J. Rochioli Rachael’s Vineyardのシャルドネを開けました。綺麗に熟成し、エレガントで重厚感のある白。
#wine #whitewine #2013 #usa #americanwine #chardonnay #jrochioli #アメリカンワイン #白ワイン #シャルドネ — 3 months ago