Deeply coloured, richly aromatic On the nose and full-bodied on the palate..❤️ #vosneromanée #pinotnoir #grosfrereetsoeur #sommelierselection #sommelierlife #lovemyjob #onceuponeawine #wineandbeats #vivalafrance #tastingnotes #redwineaholic #burgundianstyle #burgundian — 9 years ago
A great #grillo #madeinsicily. good #wines that are not expensive! #goodwine #notexpensive #drinkwell #italianwines #sicilianwines #autochthon #grapes #roccadelleginestre #donnasilvana #sommelierlife #lovemyjob #onceuponawine — 9 years ago
Shit wine. So bad I didn't drink more than the first sip, poured the rest down the drain. Excuse me while I go lick a rock. Don't need to be a #sommelierlife for this. #tuesdaynightwine — 8 years ago
Ruby red color. Oddly Sweet and ripe aroma. Low alcohol. Sweet and vanilla taste. Low tannins. Fast start slow finish. #sommelierlife #longday #reds — 9 years ago
Love all Macle wines! A typical #cotesdujura #chardonnay #sauvignon #macle #france #wineoffrance #lovemylife #lovemyjob #sommelierselection #sommelierlife #sommellerie #onceuponawine #winelover #wineloversunite #drinkwine #drinkwell #tastingnotes — 9 years ago
A great #vintage #cabernetsaugvinon from #langhe #angelogaja #gajawines #gaja #drinkvintage #drinkitalian #drinkwine #drinkwell #tannic #lovethelabel #lovemyjob #sommelierselection #sommelierlife #sommeliernotes #tastingnote #love #livethewines #italy #winestating #wineporn #gaja #onceuponawine — 9 years ago
Andrew Stover
Sommelier/Wine Director Oya & Sei, Wine Blogger ChiefWino, Founder Vino50
Exton Park Pinot Meunier Rosé NV, Hampshire, UK
Light salmon colour. Dried red fruits, orange zest, toasted brioche on a racy, mineral-laced finish. Nice creaminess through the end. #wine #englishwine #sommelier #sommelierlife #sommlife #wineporn #winestagram #sparklingwine #winewinewine #winelover — 7 years ago