Deeply coloured, richly aromatic On the nose and full-bodied on the palate..❤️ #vosneromanée #pinotnoir #grosfrereetsoeur #sommelierselection #sommelierlife #lovemyjob #onceuponeawine #wineandbeats #vivalafrance #tastingnotes #redwineaholic #burgundianstyle #burgundian — 8 years ago
A great #grillo #madeinsicily. good #wines that are not expensive! #goodwine #notexpensive #drinkwell #italianwines #sicilianwines #autochthon #grapes #roccadelleginestre #donnasilvana #sommelierlife #lovemyjob #onceuponawine — 9 years ago
Still together and now sexy amazing silky body lovely wine. Lucky to try it. #cabandbeef #lovemyjob #charmedlife — 8 years ago
A great #vintage #cabernetsaugvinon from #langhe #angelogaja #gajawines #gaja #drinkvintage #drinkitalian #drinkwine #drinkwell #tannic #lovethelabel #lovemyjob #sommelierselection #sommelierlife #sommeliernotes #tastingnote #love #livethewines #italy #winestating #wineporn #gaja #onceuponawine — 8 years ago
Love all Macle wines! A typical #cotesdujura #chardonnay #sauvignon #macle #france #wineoffrance #lovemylife #lovemyjob #sommelierselection #sommelierlife #sommellerie #onceuponawine #winelover #wineloversunite #drinkwine #drinkwell #tastingnotes — 9 years ago
Pedro Rusk
Wine Educator Kendall Jackson
The skies parted and I got to pour several of these at an event . Let’s say it was amazing to sip this over 6 hours. #charmedlife #lovemyjob — 7 years ago