
Williams Selyem

Allen Vineyard Pinot Noir 2006

2006 Williams Selyem Russian River Valley Allen Vineyard Pinot Noir

Our New Year's Eve wine is 2006 William Selyem Russian River Valley Allen Vineyard Pinot Noir. This is the wine you want to age in your cellar. Elegance on the nose. Lighter in a good way. Cherry, raspberries, spice. After 17 years, the wine is in a great place. Goodbye 2023.

大晦日、2023年最後のワインは、2006年2006 William Selyem Russian River Valley Allen Vineyard Pinot Noir。これはセラーで熟成させたいワインだ。 香りはエレガント。 良い意味で軽い。 チェリー、ラズベリー、スパイス。17年の時を経てワインは素晴らしい状態。2023年よ、さようなら。

#wine #redwine #2006 #usa #americanwine #oldvintages #williamsselyem #allenvineyard
#アメリカンワイン #赤ワイン
— a year ago

Tom and Shay liked this

Erben von Beulwitz

Kaseler Nies'chen Auslese Alte Reben Riesling Goldkapsel 2006

#2006 #Kasel #Nieschen #Riesling #Auslese #Goldkapsel--over the past year or so we've been opening numerous 2006s, remaining in our stocks, and we've been very pleased with their developments. The once-domineering #botrytis has become beautifully integrated, and they are showing a very attractive harmony between acidity and sweetness... the hallmark of any great, age-worthy #Riesling. The one aspect I found so beguiling with this 2006 was its subtle elegance and grace like a pretty ballarina. — 9 years ago

LM, Eric and 8 others liked this

Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier

Musigny Grand Cru Pinot Noir 2006

Gorgeous floral bouquet features red roses, lilac, lavender and cherry blossoms above ripe red and black cherry, ripe raspberry, grilled watermelon and morels. Tart cherry palate dials into the silky groove suddenly, hinting at rose water, but resembling raspberries in a forest rain. Lightest cinnamon bark adds warmth, violet and hibiscus bites emerge, and the whole flaunts a long and sensuous length of shimmer that mystifies.

#musigny #musignygrandcru #jacquesfredericmugnier #appelationmusignygrandcrucontrolée #bourgogne #burgundy #bourgognerouge #2006 #2006burgundy #PropriétaireauChateaudeChambolleMusigny
— 3 years ago

Sharon, Andrew and 5 others liked this

Weingut Keller

Kirchspiel Riesling 2004

For me this was the #wine of the night at the #Escoffier dinner at #WeingutKeller... And in a double #magnum it could not have been better in terms of freshness and complexity. A ringing, linear core of ripe acidity together with a lining of medium-bodied extract all in perfect balance and harmony... the epitome of finesse and elegance. A fabulous accompaniment to the delicious cuisine that kept arriving course after course throughout the evening. When it comes to #dry #Riesling it simply doesn't get any better! #Keller #2006 #Kirchspiel #GrossesGewächs #GG #Rieslinglover — 9 years ago

Petra Thieriot
with Petra
Anthony, web and 8 others liked this
Daniel P. Drake

Daniel P. Drake Influencer Badge

Do you rate anything less than a 10 Dade? Seems like that you drink nothing but 10's. I definitely want your source. 😉
Gus Kalaris

Gus Kalaris Influencer Badge

This wine is the bomb !

Screaming Eagle

Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon

#2006 #ScreamingEagle — 9 years ago

Paul, Serge and 2 others liked this
Paul T HB

Paul T HB

Fill those glasses a tad more,

Weingut Keller

Abts E de Riesling GG 2006

This wine set a record at #auction when 3 of these double #magnums were offered so it was an enormous pleasure and great honor to have been able to experience this massively impressive 10-year old #GG while sitting next to it creators!
#2006 was a notoriously challenging vintage where rampant #botrytis and heavy selection were the order of the day; nevertheless in the hands of the Kellers yet another epic wine was born--THANK YOU!!! #Keller #AbtsE #Westhofen #Riesling #Rheinhessen
— 9 years ago

Petra Thieriot
with Petra
Flavio, Daniel P. and 7 others liked this