Medium gold. Resin and honey on the nose and a touch of varnish, orange blossom, burnt sugar, caramel. A fantastic wine, perhaps too sweet to be completely bbalanced. #botrytis #austrianwine #trockenbeerenauslese — 7 years ago
November-harvested, botrytised Chardonnay. Originally a banned style in Vire-Clesse but allowed now. Warm honey, manzanilla, white port. 100g RS, 4g acidity. Balanced, lively. #viréclessé #chardonnay #botrytis — 8 years ago
Honey-brioche and almond extract commingle with orange blossom, crystalline honey, light maple syrup and butter, marmalade with aromatic musk. The warm flavors of mouth-coating, unctuous citrus defy comparison, but evocative of marmalade hard candy, candied oranges, tangerine, clementine, nectarine, dried apricot, Meyer lemon essences, and baked apple and yellow pear. Golden; delicious.
#chateaudyquem #dyquem #sauternes #botrytis #1997 #appellationsauternescontrolée #misenbouteilleauchateau #lursaluces — 2 years ago
Wow!! Golden with great concentration. #botrytis nose with high complexity. A total palate f**k. The appearance of being bone dry with racy acidity, superb tension, and incredible complexity. Long finish. This is a baby at 12 years old. Still tasting amazing after 7 days of being open. #coteauxdulayon #moulintouchais #cheninblanc #loirevalley #ctbucklinwine — 8 years ago
Very nice. #botrytis #hungarianwine #desertwine — 8 years ago
Tangerine honey, grapefruit sugar, with peonies, the most perfect, spun cotton candy, chamomile, pear and apple and almond and hazelnut, chutney, and toast with a nano marmalade containing frozen peaches. The exquisite peach blossom honey, chamomile, sultanas, elderberry, gooseberry, quince, dried starfruit and lime. Incredibly layered in folds of dried and concentrated richness. #riesling #deutschewein #wein #beerenauslese #dessertwine #botrytis — 5 years ago
BA-level sweetness. Heavily botrytised. Orange peel, baking spice, caramelized honey; super acidity and plenty long and complex. If you told me this was von Simmern or Statsweingut Rheingau, I’d believe it. #redtailridge #flxriesling #botrytis — 6 years ago
Fantastic expression of #botrytis from #loirewine #coteauxdulayonbeaulieu #cheninblanc subtle aromas of tangerine candies and fresh pineapple. — 8 years ago
A version 4 years younger that is pure fruit, delicate as the 2001 but maybe less developed, less complex. Nothing wrong with that, though 😸. Apparently the winemaker, Monsieur Papin, is called "the poet of Chenin Blanc" by the revered Andrew Jefford and if he said so my only aim is to look for more Papins to corroborate through a field research. Excellent! #cheninblanc #loire #botrytis #sweetwine #noblerot #anjou #saumur #beaulieu — 8 years ago
David Kline
Rollercoaster of orange, pineapple, tangerine, grapefruit, clementine and clove. Sweet almond notes intertwine with honeysuckle, honey, bee pollen and mixed marmalade. Orange marmalade prevails on the palate with poached pear and nectarine, quince and beeswax. Excellent in all ways.
#chateausuduiraut #sauternes #botrytis #bordeaux #sauvignonblancsemillon #noblerot #botrytiscinera — 2 years ago