

Cuvée de l'Oncle Paul Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2022

There is still value and QPR to be found with #bourgognerouge . Drank exactly how I expected, midway between fruit and a totally savory style. Gotta love family members who bring over a nice bottle. — 3 months ago

Neil liked this

Domaine Méo-Camuzet

Volnay Pinot Noir 2018

Translucent red rose petal glinting star bright. Raspberries and violets, carnations and St. John’s wort, wisps of fungi, live tobacco. Palate floral with rose again and lightest cedar note playing into dried raspberry and tarragon. Pointy acid offering notes of cranberry and pepper with a neatly rolled singularity of purpose. Green and young at this stage, but will unravel to enormous depth.

#meocamuzet #volnay #appellationvolnaycontrôlée #burgundy #vosneromanée #bourgogne #bourgognerouge
— a year ago

Somm, Paul and 15 others liked this

Domaine Louis Boillot et Fils

Chambolle-Musigny Pinot Noir 2019

Lovely floral aromas arabesque, in roses and violets, heather, tulips, poppies, lavender and geraniums. Peppercorn clusters. Palate shows dusty grape that turns to dried blackberries, dried raspberry and marinate herbs, black currant and strangely: soap bubble. Meat and plum make an appearance, but the true key is the swings in tenor and complexity. Just exquisite.

#louisboillot #louisboillotetfils #chambollemusigny
#2019 #bourgognerouge #bourgogne #burgundy #pinotnoir #côtedor #appellationchambollemusignycontrôlée #redburgundy #frenchwine
— 2 years ago

Ira, Daniel P. and 4 others liked this

Caroline Parent

Les Monts Luisants Morey Saint Denis 1er Cru Pinot Noir 2019

Rose petal, black cherries dried and ripe, black plum and prune, earthy loam, blackberry violet and trumpet mushroom punctuate the bouquet. Sumptuous ripe raspberry with a meat-sweetness costs the palate seductively, settling on ripe cherry and raspberry with creative interplay of sweet tobacco and light spices. Glorious, gorgeous and variegated.

#carolineparent #carolineparentmoreysaintdenis #moreysaintdenis #msd4life #lesmontsluisants #moreysaintdenis1ercru #1ercrulesmontsluisants #2019 #bourgognerouge #burgundy #pinotnoir #appellationdorigineprotégée
— a year ago

Paul, Severn and 2 others liked this

Domaine de la Choupette

Comme Dessus Santenay Pinot Noir 2020

Dusty grape and dried blackberry and raspberry are tempered by sunny mushroom in the form of chanterelle and porcini. Soy and sorghum. Conversely, the animal feed nature of the nose is subverted by resurgent fruit that mirrors dried plums bordering prune before slamming into a spongy mushroom flesh. Meatiness abounds, but doesn’t slice thickly. Solid despite. Bigly showing fruit tannin visceral-ity.

#domainedelachoupette #maranges #bourgogne #bourgognerouge #redburgundy #pinotnoir
— 2 years ago

Daniel, Sharon and 3 others liked this

Domaine Chanson (Chanson Père et Fils)

Le Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2018

Enjoyable #bourgognerouge négociant cuvée - Medium light body, red/black cherry, good acidity. Reliable, if not remarkable #pinotnoir from Costco - good QPR - under $14. — 3 years ago

Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier

Musigny Grand Cru Pinot Noir 2006

Gorgeous floral bouquet features red roses, lilac, lavender and cherry blossoms above ripe red and black cherry, ripe raspberry, grilled watermelon and morels. Tart cherry palate dials into the silky groove suddenly, hinting at rose water, but resembling raspberries in a forest rain. Lightest cinnamon bark adds warmth, violet and hibiscus bites emerge, and the whole flaunts a long and sensuous length of shimmer that mystifies.

#musigny #musignygrandcru #jacquesfredericmugnier #appelationmusignygrandcrucontrolée #bourgogne #burgundy #bourgognerouge #2006 #2006burgundy #PropriétaireauChateaudeChambolleMusigny
— 3 years ago

Sharon, Andrew and 5 others liked this

Arnaud Baillot

Gevrey-Chambertin Pinot Noir 2021

Red cherry and ripe raspberry, lightly roasted corn, transparent rose petal; nano-botarga to breadfruit. Tastes of bing cherry and cinnamon, clove and cranberry, light tobacco, and rosemary.

#arnaudbaillot #gevreychambertin #bourgogne #bourgognerouge
— a year ago

Severn, Tom and 4 others liked this

Château de Laborde

Vieilles Vignes Gevrey Chambertin Pinot Noir 2015

Earthy arboreal impressions cushion soft notes of strawberry surrounded by ripe cherry and plum blossom. Impressions persist, but the strawberry turns grape-y, red licorice and the plums blacken. Fruit tannins inform the mouthfeel in their Velcro blanket. Raspberry reduction and dried blackberries inject. A smokiness suggests but manifests as grill marks on a dream. Has a certain brooding nature but ultimately hard to nail down. Needs food.

#gevreychambertin #chateaudelaborde #veillesvignes #burgundy #bourgognerouge
— 2 years ago

Andrew, Daniel and 6 others liked this

Domaine des Lambrays

Clos des Lambrays Grand Cru Pinot Noir 2009

2009. Mint, eucalyptus, cedar dust, dried raspberry, orange peel, pomegranate, and sage. Showing some brick tinges but no flavor deterioration. Cinnamon, cedar and dried maduro, savory, cranberry and dusty raspberry, roobios tea, cracked pepper, cardamom, nutmeg and a tiny bit of blistered pepper.
Intense and silky; shifting strata of immense complexity.

#closdeslambrays #grandcru #domainedeslambrays #bourgognerouge #bourgogne #geandcrudebourgogne #redburgundywine #redburg #redburgundy
— 3 years ago

Ira, Byron and 10 others liked this
Severn Goodwin

Severn Goodwin Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Very nice!