“Sipping Fine Wines” comments exactly mirror my own. It went well with the chicken pesto risotto we paired it with.
Enough said. This one is a great value, a hidden gem and a definite rebuy. $20 at Sprouts. #redwine #redblends #californianwine — a year ago
If this is wine…..I LOVE IT!!!!!! #wine #redwine #drinkingwithfriends #drinking #cabernertsauvignon — 2 years ago
Big, Bold, Booyah!!!!
#redwine #cab #drinkcaliforniawines #drinking #bigredwine — 10 months ago
2006 Williams Selyem Russian River Valley Allen Vineyard Pinot Noir
Our New Year's Eve wine is 2006 William Selyem Russian River Valley Allen Vineyard Pinot Noir. This is the wine you want to age in your cellar. Elegance on the nose. Lighter in a good way. Cherry, raspberries, spice. After 17 years, the wine is in a great place. Goodbye 2023.
大晦日、2023年最後のワインは、2006年2006 William Selyem Russian River Valley Allen Vineyard Pinot Noir。これはセラーで熟成させたいワインだ。 香りはエレガント。 良い意味で軽い。 チェリー、ラズベリー、スパイス。17年の時を経てワインは素晴らしい状態。2023年よ、さようなら。
#wine #redwine #2006 #usa #americanwine #oldvintages #williamsselyem #allenvineyard
#アメリカンワイン #赤ワイン
— a year ago
This is great!
#redwine #drinking #cabernetday — 2 years ago
2014 Bryant Family DB4
Our New Year wine is 2014 Bryant Family DB4. Thought it would be still young but couldn’t resist. Great concentration. Wow, nice juice. The tannins are soft and round. Enjoyable now, but the wine is still young and needs further aging. Great with meats.
新年最初のワインは、未だ早いかなとは思いつつ2014年Bryant Family DB4を開けてみました。ブライアントファミリーのセカンドワインDB4。素晴らしい凝縮感。タンニンはまろやかで美味しく飲める状態でしたが、まだまだ若く、更に熟成させて飲みたいワイン。肉料理との相性は抜群でした。
#wine #redwine #2014 #usa #americanwine #oldvintages #bryantfamily #アメリカンワイン #赤ワイン — a year ago
If you like drinking wine, just get ready!#redwine #drinking #cabernertsauvignon #wine — a year ago
This wine is a testament to the “buy the vintage” concept. Back when I couldn’t really afford cellear-able wines, I heard that 2010 was a great vintage for a Bordeaux and bought this at Trader Joe’s. I kept it cellared until now. The wind poured a deep, reddish purple in the glass. I aerated it and let it sit for nearly an hour after that. Although its nose was moderate, the flavors were fantastic. Strawberry, cranberry, other dried fruit. The tannins were intense. With a fairly decent finish. This is all I could hope for from a bottle of Bordeaux. I will probably be revisiting this winery, since it’s so easy through Trader Joe’s. The wine was a perfect accompaniment to the grass fed ribeye steaks we paired it with. Talk about a great deal for just probably $12-$13 at Trader Joe’s. #bordeauxrouge #saintemilion #redwine #traderjoes #rightbank #rightbankbordeaux — a year ago
Sage Shimoda
1994 Dunn Vineyards Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
Our New Year's Eve wine is 1994 Dunn Vineyards Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. This is a type of wine you want to age long enough and enjoy. After 30 years, the wine is still lively showing its strength. Wow. The wine has passed its prime, but it is still enjoyable. Goodbye 2024
大晦日、2024年最後のワインは、1994 Dunn Vineyards Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon。これはセラーで熟成させて飲むべきワインだと思うが、30年経った後でも、力強さが残っているのには驚いた。ピークは過ぎてしまってはいるが、長い熟成期間を経たワインが持つ素晴らしさは健在で楽しむことができた。2024年よ、さようなら。
#wine #redwine #1994 #usa #americanwine #oldvintage #dunnvineyards #アメリカンワイン #赤ワイン — 2 months ago