Kirsch-y chocolate, wet violets, espresso, star anise, Saigon cinnamon, seared steak on butter, broken stick cinnamon, biomass is rain, and baked cinnamon apple smells. Subdued in comparison to its nose, the earthy and herbaceous entry features smoky soils, marinated mushroom, dusty oak, dried bing cherry, cranberry sharpness, black olive, date, and dried black currant. Lightest burnt rosemary almost refutes mention.
#chateaudefonbel #saintemilion #famillevauthier #appelationsaintemiliongrandcrucontrolèe #fonbel #misenbouteilleauchateau #grandcru #bordeaux #rightbankbordeaux #rightbank — 3 years ago
Rich blackberry reduction with small tart blueberries, chamomile, dark toast with cinnamon dusting, baked plum and dried cherry. poppy, violet and truffle.
Red cherry near ripe, bing cherry, grainy tannins, sarsaparilla, unsweetened licorice, cracked oak, and clove. Festive and generous!
#closléglise #bordeaux #pomerol #rightbank #appellationpomerolcontrolèe
#vignoblesgarcin #grandcru #handpicked — 3 years ago
2011 vintage, so low expectations, but wine is stunning. Grill aggregation unfolds into violets and cypress, bacon and porcini. Timber yard resins, reishi coffee, baking chocolate, burnt parchment, gunpowder tea, and dried rose petal. Soft, black and bing cherry serrated by black blades of dark tobacco, black currant, cassis, smoldering acanthus, crisp oregano, cardamom, and tart blueberry. Color is brick, edifice is showing cracks, but architecture intact. Don’t hold. Slay and ascend.
#chateauclinet #pomerol, #rightbank #bordeaux #bordeauxrouge — 10 months ago
Graphite and raisin, fig and marinated porcini, smoky dried cherries, black pepper on grilled beef fat, toasted sesame, dried black and red currants, all within an aura of damson and violet and honeyed rose petal. Palate leaps with damson and dried and fresh bing cherry, dried spiced plum, cedar and dried lavender, black olive, moist tobacco, and perfectly toned tannins which come off as a separate, undefinable taste of fruit skin extraction with stunning depth; tea leaves meet dried blackberry in a redwood stand. Soft date and creamy fig follow to a tart raspberry end.
#châteauchevalblanc #chevalblanc #1ergrandcruclassé #1995 #stemiliongrandcru #saintemiliongrandcru #grandcruclassé #grandcru #appellationsaintemiliongrandcrucontrolée #misenbouteilleauchateau #stcivileduchevalblanc #gironde #bordeaux #rightbank #bordeauxrouge — 2 years ago
Solid #pomerol #merlot 95% #cabernetfranc 5% #rightbank #rightbankbordeaux #grandvindebordeaux — 4 years ago
This wine is a testament to the “buy the vintage” concept. Back when I couldn’t really afford cellear-able wines, I heard that 2010 was a great vintage for a Bordeaux and bought this at Trader Joe’s. I kept it cellared until now. The wind poured a deep, reddish purple in the glass. I aerated it and let it sit for nearly an hour after that. Although its nose was moderate, the flavors were fantastic. Strawberry, cranberry, other dried fruit. The tannins were intense. With a fairly decent finish. This is all I could hope for from a bottle of Bordeaux. I will probably be revisiting this winery, since it’s so easy through Trader Joe’s. The wine was a perfect accompaniment to the grass fed ribeye steaks we paired it with. Talk about a great deal for just probably $12-$13 at Trader Joe’s. #bordeauxrouge #saintemilion #redwine #traderjoes #rightbank #rightbankbordeaux — 2 years ago
Rich and warm dark chocolate and raisin nose foreshadows coming depth. Browning grasses, hazelnuts and baked pecans, cinnamon-blueberry tort, black cherry and black currant, wet rose petals, violet-cocoa, and jasmine branch. Tight and young entry still satisfies with spruce buds, pronounced tea leaf, sharp oak tones, cinnamon, red cherry, underripe red currant, pointy graphite; myrrh. Don’t drink ‘em if you got ‘em.
#châteauchevalblanc #bordeaux #saintemilion #1ergrandcruclasséA
#rightbank #stemiliongrandcru
#stemilion #misenbouteilleauchateau #premiergrandcruclasse #premiergrandcru — 3 years ago
Well made decently priced #stemiliongrandcru #stemilion #bordeaux #rightbank — 4 years ago
Orange dark chocolate, violets, ripe red fruits and hints of leather. Will age for another decade but Amazing #rightbank #bordeaux now. #ageworthy — 6 years ago
David Kline
Black with scant signs of bricking. Nose of forest after rain, ripe black cherry, black and blueberries, cedar, black pepper and violets. Full bodied, rich mouthfeel, with blackberry foremost, madura wrap, pepper, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, black cherry, walnut, currant, and blackened yam. This is a holiday in a bottle, at a perfect spot age wise, ridiculously resonant with a deep finish and long persistence. Open this one with family and friends and appropriate feast!
#chateaulebonpasteur #lebonpasteur #michelrolland #pomerol #2009 #grandvindebordeaux #bordeaux #rightbank #misenbouteilleauchateau #appellationpomerolcontrôlée — 7 months ago