The winemakers here commit all the classic sins of the past on #californianwine red blends - over-extracted, flabby, sweet, aggressively oaky and so over the top with vanilla that this could surely only pair well with flan. I’ll continue to be wary CA red blends at the lower price points unless there are great trusted reviews. — 6 years ago
#sonomawine #cabernetsaugvinon #californianwine medium+ aromas of black fruits and toast, medium+ body and intensity of flavors, somewhere between old world and new world Cab due to medium+ acidity and medium+ slightly coarse tannins — 7 years ago
Crazy thing about this wine was it’s complete lack of aroma. So much so that it made me realize I had completely lost my sense of smell and should probably get a Covid-19 test. Sure enough! Like so many things, Covid ruined the experience of this wine. Cheers to being asymptomatic otherwise!
#turleywinecellars #californianwine #whitecoat #covid19anosmiatest #anosmia — 4 years ago
Incredible #pinotnoir from #andersonvalley #californianwine intense aromas and lovely floral and Smokey complexity. One of the best Pinots I’ve had lately. — 7 years ago
I love wines like thjs because as I’m tasting it seems old world #cabernertsauvignon but if I took it back to Spain and tasted it six months or a year from now it would seem totally #californianwine #howellmountain #napavalley — 7 years ago
Muito leve e harmonização tipo "plug and play"!
Muito aromático e bem estruturado
🇺🇸🍷❣️#americanwine #californianwine — 8 years ago
#californiangold #californianwine good deal. Good price — 6 years ago
The flavours and aromas are a strange blend between #châteauneuf and #calipinot for me. Medium+ intensity of aromas. Blood, garrigue and sagebrush. Citrus and red currant. It has surprisingly tangy acidity and yet lacks the polished and balanced finish one would expect for the price of this wine. It also lacks mid palate weight/concentration. I’m not familiar with the vineyard, but it seems like the winemaker wanted to control the alcohol and the ripeness of #santaynezvalley and either harvested early or directly added water. The finish is long #gsm #blend #californianwine #sbcounty #sbcountywines — 6 years ago
Clear and bright pale lemon. Clean pronounced aromas of ripe apricot, sage, fennel and gingerbread. On the palate it's dry albeit with a lush glyceric texture with medium plus intensity flavors of of apricot pie with a smiley charred crust and a touch of nutmeg and spice. Medium plus alcohol, medium plus acidity, well integrated oak, balanced with a medium plus finish. Complex, unique and well balanced. Only 22 barrels. #staritahills #chardonnayfromthebestplaceonearth #chardonnay #centralcoastwine #californianwine #sbcountywines — 8 years ago
David S. Lopez
“Sipping Fine Wines” comments exactly mirror my own. It went well with the chicken pesto risotto we paired it with.
Enough said. This one is a great value, a hidden gem and a definite rebuy. $20 at Sprouts. #redwine #redblends #californianwine — a year ago