
Château Lynch-Bages

Grand Cru Classé Pauillac Cabernet Sauvignon Blend 2010

2010 vintage. Black cherry and black currant with cigar box and allspice and a touch of multi-grain on the nose. Black and bing cherry with chewy tannins and rooibos. Plum tartness, and an interesting grape-y aspect. Ripe currant and licorice.
This is more like it!

#chateaulynchbages #lynchbages #pauillac #appellationpauillaccontrôlée
#leftbank #bordeaux #grandcruclasséde1855
— a year ago

Somm, Tom and 9 others liked this

Château Haut-Brion

Graves Red Bordeaux Blend 2009

Incredible depth of color rim to rim without variation. Inky. Showing slight brick under strong light. Nose of rye toast, tobacco, turned earth, black cherry, oak bark, crumbly roses, dried lavender, and sage. Descriptors do not do justice to the seamless whole of the smells, which are sewn together with espresso and bay leaf, allspice and forest notes. Smooth and silky tannins slip over medium mouthfeel of dried mushroom and graphite, re-emerge as round textural tapestries, filled with candle smoke, dark, rich cherry and ripe black currants. A stunner that needed days of exposure to fully emerge. Enticing and exquisite.

#chateauhautbrion #hautbrion #premiergrandcruclassé #2009 #pessacléognan #graves #bordeaux #leftbankbordeaux #leftbank #grandcruclasséde1855
— 2 years ago

Ira, Paul and 12 others liked this

Château Lafon-Rochet

Saint-Estèphe Cabernet Sauvignon Blend 2001

Tons to unwind here. Black and green olives, clay and uncooked peat, multi grain bread, pecan, black sesame, mushroom fricassee, grilled filet with beurre blanc and jus. Sage, mint, and tarragon. All cohesively woven together; immaculate. That’s just the nose. Graphite and oak pencil the initial signature, which delineates the oeuvre. The cherry life cycle, from underripe to dried expressed in black and red; still-grainy tannins supporting. Raspberry tart, briary berrries. Rooibos tea, cinnamon and clove. Impeccable.

#chateaulafonrochet #lafonrochet #saintestephe #grandcruclasséde1855 #2001bordeaux #bordeauxrouge #leftbank #misenbouteilleauchateau
— 2 years ago

Andrew, Daniel and 3 others liked this

Château Lafon-Rochet

Saint-Estèphe Cabernet Sauvignon Blend 2001

2001 Lafon-Rochet
Saint Estephe

Inky black with cassis, black currant and blackberry. Black pepper and lavender with a whiff of smoke and graphite. Plum and vine charcoal give a softness to the tannin which is amazingly strong. Graphite shimmers through dark cocoa, cedar and pepper. Lovely and lively.

#lafonrochet #lafon #stestephe #leftbank #bordeaux #bordeauxrouge #2001
— a year ago

Severn, Daniel and 1 other liked this

Château Lascombes

Margaux Merlot Blend 2010

Boysenberry, cherry, mulberry and violet, tobacco, cedar and wet cinnamon, leather, smoke, and bramble. Rich palate shows black cherry, black currant, tobacco, dark toast, espresso, darkest chocolate, cassis, and graphite. Absolutely perfect now and likely later too!

#chateaulascombes #lascombes #margaux #appellationmargauxcontrolée #bordeauxrouge #leftbank #deuxiemescru
— a year ago

David, Paul and 12 others liked this

Château Pontet-Canet

Pauillac Red Bordeaux Blend 1999

Black cherry and plum tart emerging through aromas of violets dotting brown breads, shiitake and black oak. Cinnamon, cedar and clove coalesce. Raspberry reduction with currants. Hints of mints. Tart cherry palate brings cherry reduction and black currants, tons of dark cedar wrapped cigar, tart blackberry, peppercorn and cinnamon stick. Green notes suggest this is still young and half-blossomed despite the quarter century. Grainy tannins, though rounded.

#pontetcanet #chateaupontetcanet #pauillac #appellationpauillaccontrôlée #1999 #1999bordeaux #bordeaux #misenbouteilleauchâteau #leftbank #leftbankbordeaux #bordeauxrouge #grandcruclasséen1855
— 2 years ago

David, Andrew and 7 others liked this
Severn Goodwin

Severn Goodwin Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Nice pull 👍

Château Pontet-Canet

Pauillac Red Bordeaux Blend 2014

Coffee rye with baked, black currants, dried blackberry, cherrywood, cedar, light pepper, potable, African violet, fig, sarsaparilla and thyme. Grippy, grainy tannins awash in tart black cherry, cinnamon and savory. Young and green with tight tart edges, but open just enough to appreciated the complexities. Underrated sleeper vintage that just might come together. Finish is obfuscated at this juncture. Espresso is my guess, though!

#châteaupontetcanet #pontetcanet #grandcruclasséde1855 #pauillac #alfredtesseron #grandcru #bordeaux #bordeauxrouge #leftbank
— a year ago

Sagee, Paul and 11 others liked this

Château Léoville Poyferré

Saint Julien Red Bordeaux Blend 2005

Ripest red cherry and red rose aromatic hybrid. Cherry and strawberry blossoms. Herbaceous basil and tarragon sweetness awash in warm plum and baked currants. Flowering elms with wet black bark. Finally, oak and smoke. Perfect integration on the palate. Ready now but also for the foreseeable. Sweet raspberry and blackberry flash and recede to an obverse tart cherry with incredible indelible, satisfying depth. Sweet tobacco is outlined by Saigon cinnamon, clove, allspice and a strangely sweet pepper dichotomy. Really a perfect wine in every way. Smoke and graphite find a way to bow into the shimmery finish with finesse.

#châteauléovillepoyferré #léovillepoyferré #saintjulien #bordeaux #2ndgrandcruclassédumédoc #leftbankbordeaux #leftbank #misenbouteilleauchâteau #bordeauxrouge #Cuvelier #familleCuvelier #frenchwines #rougefrançais
— 2 years ago

Andrew, Andrew and 19 others liked this
Severn Goodwin

Severn Goodwin Influencer Badge Premium Badge

2005, respect 👍

Château Pontet-Canet

Pauillac Red Bordeaux Blend 2014

Black olive, rye crust, bran, olive wood, wood ear, black currant, cassis, and gravel nose. Black and tart cherries, rose stem, mulberry, cassis, mocha cigar, baking chocolate, plum skins. Elegant, if a little closed.

#chateaupontetcanet #pontetcanet #bordeauxrouge #bordeaux #grandcruclasséde1855 #pauillac #appellationpauillaccontrôlée #leftbank #leftbankbordeaux
— 2 years ago

Ted, Andrew and 15 others liked this