Birra Moretti

Josephs Brau

Bavarian Style Hefeweizen

Cloudy urine colour. With marshmallow creme enamel topping. Alpine sunrise lacing. Yeasty nose shows chive and beet greens. Grapefruit and black lime. Full palate creaminess turns sharp with lemon pith and oil surfacing. Microgreens and dried apricot form the parameters while yeasty pomelo notes bolster the core. Very zingy finish that refreshes the palate and adds substance.

#GeorgRittmeyer #GeorgRittmeyerWeizen
#weizen #BrauereiRittmeyer #Hallerndorf #deutschebier #deutschland #bier #biere #birra #beer #cerveza
— 3 months ago

Tom, Andrew and 3 others liked this

G. Menabrea e Figli

Birra Bionda Premium Lager

Had this beer with friends on the rooftop at Sebastiano’s in Rome! — 2 years ago

Brewery Bosteels

Kwak Malt

Topaz with heavenly streamers stretching for perfection. Creamy head of structured perfection in terms of density and longevity. Perfect sheet of fog lacing falls like a slo-mo curtain to reveal layer two of mountain snows reflecting moonlight. Nose of bananas foster in all its blazing brandy and it’s caramelized olfactory topography; a malt image in sensory sepia to match the mountainscape. Nutmeg, cola and pecan dessert vies with baklava. The palate is a revelation in balance. The expected Belgian malt emerges in contrast to a dappled vanilla and Connecticut tobacco, pecan shell dryness, and chicory coffee before returning to a root tonic sweetness, and cardamom. #kwak #belgianspecialbeers #belgianale #belgianbeer #pauwelkwak #pauwelkwakbrewery #beer #bier #birra #biere #ale #ceveza #cerveja #belgium #belgian — 5 years ago

Severn, Andrew and 3 others liked this

Moretti Omero

Umbria Grechetto

Having this delicious wine with chicken stuffed with home grown sage pesto wrapped in prosciutto. Has a nice dry slate flavor with a hint of pear. — a year ago

Isaac Cantalapiedra

Birra Baladin

Refreshing, 5% ABV Italian wheat beer — 2 years ago

Hugh, Ron and 16 others liked this


Alma Birra Doppio Malto Alta Fermentazione Al Miele Di Castagno

Fantastic beer. If I could only drink one more for the rest of my life it would be this. Craft beers these days are so hoppy, but this one has a really nicely balanced creaminess to it. Beautiful stuff. — 5 years ago

Sharon, David and 4 others liked this


Epione Moretti Canyon Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2022

Nice with shrimp entree 👍🏻👏🏻Cheers — 8 months ago

Jose, Tom and 6 others liked this

La Moretti

Brunello di Montalcino

Smells earthy, moss, woody

Tannins, high acid, dry, high alcohol, med full-full body
— a year ago

North Coast Brewing Company

Cellar Reserve Old Stock Ale 2016

Jumping spider eye bubbles mass in a parabola foam while smaller bubble sheens fill the bursting absences, until the whole becomes an espresso foam, and equally oiled. Unction lacings lean Hebraic but ultimately are the dream fonts writ by the hand of G-d. Mene Mene Tekel Parsin they seem to say before fluttering away as constellations on a starling’s back. Fair warning as this is a heavy purse to carry. Six years in and taking stock. Figs, dates, treacle, raisins, carob, caramel, vanilla bean, sweet potato casserole, bacon fat, mincemeat. Rich on the palate with milk chocolate, molasses, Turkish coffee, gingerbread, candied date, and espresso-tobacco finish. Gloriously integrated and complex complexions.

#oldstockale #oldstock #2016 #northcoastbrewing #bièredegarde #agedbeer #bier #beer #birra #biere #cerveza #northcoast
— 2 years ago

Sharon, Severn and 3 others liked this
Severn Goodwin

Severn Goodwin Influencer Badge Premium Badge

You seriously write my favorite notes...
David Kline

David Kline Influencer Badge

Was delicious, Sharon. Big at 11.5 abv, but tasty.
David Kline

David Kline Influencer Badge

Thanks Severn!