Young, with wine poached pear, boysenberry toast, cherry blossom, pomegranate, blood orange rosemary and seared duck. Apples, tea and cinnamon scented. Chewy tannins and tea leaf textures, apple skin, decadent raspberry concentration, pomegranate juice over red currant reduction. Unstoppable fruit here with peppercorn dusting, coffee driving the density to a grainy finish of opulent cherry and chamomiles. Power Pinot.
#bourgognerouge #bourgogne #burgundy #pinotnoir #louisboillot #domainelouisboillotetfils #domainelouisboillot #chambollemusigny — 3 years ago
Really struggled with this one. I enjoy Ghislaine's wines and love her passion. This 06 Cras is very shut down and gave almost nothing on the nose even after 2 hours. The palate was tight and closed as well with acidity edging out the fruit at this point. Check in after a few more years.
#ghislainebarthod #chambollemusigny #burgundywine #redburgundywine #lescras — 6 years ago
Lovely floral aromas arabesque, in roses and violets, heather, tulips, poppies, lavender and geraniums. Peppercorn clusters. Palate shows dusty grape that turns to dried blackberries, dried raspberry and marinate herbs, black currant and strangely: soap bubble. Meat and plum make an appearance, but the true key is the swings in tenor and complexity. Just exquisite.
#louisboillot #louisboillotetfils #chambollemusigny
#2019 #bourgognerouge #bourgogne #burgundy #pinotnoir #côtedor #appellationchambollemusignycontrôlée #redburgundy #frenchwine — 2 years ago
It was pleasant but there really wasn’t the sustenance or the intensity that I was hoping for. #chambollemusigny #pinotnoir #burgundywine — 5 years ago
Volatile on opening. Settled into a pleasant, one-dimensional Burgundy. Not bad, but nothing special. A bit chunky for Chambolle. #roumier #chambollemusigny — 8 years ago
Fantastic burg from a wonderful vintage. Complex and dynamic nosed with med + intensity. Blend of primary and secondary notes with black cherry and leather at the forefront. Palate was well balanced and structured. The fruit was beginning to fade and sweeten up a bit. Delicious notes of earth, herbs, and leather. Faded a bit after 1 hr of being open. Med + finish. #domainegeorgesmugneret #chambollemusigny #premiercru #2002 #cotedenuits #burgundy #pinotnoir #ctbucklinwine — 8 years ago
Gorgeous garnet, star bright reflectivity. Rim to rim continuity. Cedar dusted black cherry and strawberry glow warmly in a vanilla and baked cran and ripe red currant dappling. There are red apple leanings and roobios-tulip whispers in a complex and seductive nose that stoops in bushes of thyme and all spice pods. Rich mouthfeel exhibits bits of its green youth, but has unveiled to reveal its abundance with a lengthy decant. Tart cherry and sweet tobacco, tart raspberry essence, dried violets and rose petal, dried strawberry and beet soaked thyme. Grossly underrepresented in this assessment, as the whole is like a wondrous river in a florid wood undulating with ripples of fallen blossoms. Astounding.
#chambollemusigny #DomaineFourrier #2019 #DomaineFourierChambolleMusigny1ercruLesGruenchers #lesGruenchers #viellesvigne #1ercru #1ercruChambolleMusigny
#1ercrulesgruenchers #AppellationCambolleMusigny1ercrucontrolée #burgundy #bourgogne #bourgognerouge #misenbouteille #redburgundywine — 3 years ago
#cavemadeleine #burgogne #chambollemusigny — 6 years ago
In an awkward spot and very young. Difficult to drink with heavy tannins and alcohol. Hopefully this will balance out and sweeten up. #josephdrouhin #chambollemusigny #amoureuses #premiercru #pinotnoir #burgundy #cotedenuits #ctbucklinwine #france — 8 years ago
David Kline
Bright cherry and raspberry are punctuated by rosemary and thyme notes, dried violet and sesame. Dusty, dried rose petal and dried raspberry wiggle free. Firm tannins for a CM show it to be a goer. Do you go?
#burgundy #chambollemusigny — 2 years ago