
Château Pichon-Longueville Baron

Baron de Pichon-Longueville Pauillac Red Bordeaux Blend 2000

Incredible depth and breadth on this 25 year old. Still boasting tannins that are round and firm. Meaty, chewy and impeccable, with a bresaola nose, dried blackberry, cassis, chocolate, espresso, cedar and tobacco. Black cherry, graphite, maduro cigar, blackberry, and bay.

#pichonlonguevillebaron #pichonbaron #bordeaux #deuxiemescru #bordeauxrouge #paulliac
— 2 days ago

Bob, Daniel and 6 others liked this



Château Kirwan

Margaux Red Bordeaux Blend 2016

Smoky plum and black currant also shows a blueberry undercoat; nutmeg, cedar and black tobacco. Tart cherry, black cherry, blackberry and tobacco coalesce in the forefront, while pepper, cedar and tobacco finish this lovely wine.

#chateaukirwan #kirwan #margaux #grandcruclassé #grandcruclasséde1855 #bordeaux #bordeauxrouge
— a year ago

David, Diederick and 18 others liked this

Château Léoville-Las Cases

Grand Vin de Leoville du Marquis de las Cases Saint-Julien Red Bordeaux Blend 1986

Plummy, blackberry, dried currants, mulberry, lavender, cedar, tobacco and smoke.
Smoky graphite and mineral opening with fully integrated tannins and overall cohesion. Lovely floral and berry mix with mulberry, cassis and currant, lavender, rose, and violet. Strong showing on a 38 year old wine.

#chateauléovillelascases #léovilllascases #stjulien #bordeaux #deuxiemecru #appellationsaintjuliencontrolée
#bordeauxrouge #1986
— a year ago

Paul, Severn and 12 others liked this

Château Clinet

Pomerol Red Bordeaux Blend 2011

2011 vintage, so low expectations, but wine is stunning. Grill aggregation unfolds into violets and cypress, bacon and porcini. Timber yard resins, reishi coffee, baking chocolate, burnt parchment, gunpowder tea, and dried rose petal. Soft, black and bing cherry serrated by black blades of dark tobacco, black currant, cassis, smoldering acanthus, crisp oregano, cardamom, and tart blueberry. Color is brick, edifice is showing cracks, but architecture intact. Don’t hold. Slay and ascend.

#chateauclinet #pomerol, #rightbank #bordeaux #bordeauxrouge
— 10 months ago

David, Severn and 7 others liked this

Château Pontet-Canet

Pauillac Red Bordeaux Blend 2014

Coffee rye with baked, black currants, dried blackberry, cherrywood, cedar, light pepper, potable, African violet, fig, sarsaparilla and thyme. Grippy, grainy tannins awash in tart black cherry, cinnamon and savory. Young and green with tight tart edges, but open just enough to appreciated the complexities. Underrated sleeper vintage that just might come together. Finish is obfuscated at this juncture. Espresso is my guess, though!

#châteaupontetcanet #pontetcanet #grandcruclasséde1855 #pauillac #alfredtesseron #grandcru #bordeaux #bordeauxrouge #leftbank
— a year ago

Sagee, Paul and 11 others liked this

Château Cos d'Estournel

Saint-Estèphe Red Bordeaux Blend 2010

Cherry,dried and black; scribbles of graphite in a tinder box. Campfire smoke, and dark tobaccos brood in clusters of black currant. Glints of plum skin and baked raspberries. Cinnamon and cedar shavings. Dried cherry and black berries persist into the palate, with green peppercorns and dried violets dusted in graphite. Smoke snakes around black bread with currants, fig and black raisins. A phenomenal fall treat. That’ll do the trick!

#cosdestournel #saintestèphe #saintestephe #appellationsaintestèphecontrôlée #2010bordeaux #2010 #misenbouteilleálapropriété #Bordeaux #bordeauxrouge #deuxiemecru
— a year ago

Vino, Tom and 14 others liked this

Château Lynch-Bages

Grand Cru Classé Pauillac Cabernet Sauvignon Blend 2000

2000 vintage. Warm, brown bread, cherry-blackberries baked with dried black currants and nutmeg. Further aromas of porcini, portobellos, and cornflower. Smooth, with raisin and round tannins, prunes and dried cherry. Spiced judiciously with vanilla, cedar, and espresso.

#chateaulynchbages #pauillac #1855classification #bordeaux #bordeauxrouge #grandcruclassé #appellationpauillaccontrôlée
— a year ago

Ray, Paul and 8 others liked this

Château Lafon-Rochet

Saint-Estèphe Cabernet Sauvignon Blend 2001

2001 Lafon-Rochet
Saint Estephe

Inky black with cassis, black currant and blackberry. Black pepper and lavender with a whiff of smoke and graphite. Plum and vine charcoal give a softness to the tannin which is amazingly strong. Graphite shimmers through dark cocoa, cedar and pepper. Lovely and lively.

#lafonrochet #lafon #stestephe #leftbank #bordeaux #bordeauxrouge #2001
— a year ago

Severn, Daniel and 1 other liked this

Château Lascombes

Margaux Merlot Blend 2010

Boysenberry, cherry, mulberry and violet, tobacco, cedar and wet cinnamon, leather, smoke, and bramble. Rich palate shows black cherry, black currant, tobacco, dark toast, espresso, darkest chocolate, cassis, and graphite. Absolutely perfect now and likely later too!

#chateaulascombes #lascombes #margaux #appellationmargauxcontrolée #bordeauxrouge #leftbank #deuxiemescru
— a year ago

David, Paul and 12 others liked this

Château Roudier

Montagne-Saint-Émilion Red Bordeaux Blend 2010

This wine is a testament to the “buy the vintage” concept. Back when I couldn’t really afford cellear-able wines, I heard that 2010 was a great vintage for a Bordeaux and bought this at Trader Joe’s. I kept it cellared until now. The wind poured a deep, reddish purple in the glass. I aerated it and let it sit for nearly an hour after that. Although its nose was moderate, the flavors were fantastic. Strawberry, cranberry, other dried fruit. The tannins were intense. With a fairly decent finish. This is all I could hope for from a bottle of Bordeaux. I will probably be revisiting this winery, since it’s so easy through Trader Joe’s. The wine was a perfect accompaniment to the grass fed ribeye steaks we paired it with. Talk about a great deal for just probably $12-$13 at Trader Joe’s. #bordeauxrouge #saintemilion #redwine #traderjoes #rightbank #rightbankbordeaux — 2 years ago