Salinity, oyster shell, orange essence, lemon verging on drawn butter, beeswax, white roses and hydrangea. Near creamy finish, but pith-large and drying grapefruit reel any inkling in.
#cosdestournel #bordeauxblanc #2018 #misenbouteilleauchateau #stestephe #appellationbordeauxcontrolée — 2 years ago
Broken sticks, dried black currant, woody mushroom showing tiny flecks of dried blueberry, but also a rich ripe blue streak in deep background, elevates from forest floor to treetop mulberry. Tobacco sweetness and mint scintillate with mocha softly blanketing. Cocoa and cedar emerge first on the palate; with cherry and currant in tow, tart raspberry, eucalyptus and leather. Just enough pepper to keep it firmly grounded.
#cosdestournel #bordeaux #saintestephe #leftbank #grandcruclasséen1855 #grandcruckassé #appellationsaintestephecontrolée
#misenbouteilleauchateau #grandvindebordeaux — 3 years ago
Nano hazelnut chocolate on coffee rye, blackened sponge cake, well done steak, black sesame, lavender and baked blackberry. Well knit.
Graphite glimmers on dark chocolate and cedar-oak slivers, smoky tobacco leaf, and tea. Immersive.
#cosdestournel #grandcruclassé #bordeaux #stestephe #appellationsaintestephecontrolée #misenbouteilleauchateau #saintestèphe — 3 years ago
Boom. This wine is in a great spot at the moment. #cosdestournel — 10 years ago
David Kline
Cherry,dried and black; scribbles of graphite in a tinder box. Campfire smoke, and dark tobaccos brood in clusters of black currant. Glints of plum skin and baked raspberries. Cinnamon and cedar shavings. Dried cherry and black berries persist into the palate, with green peppercorns and dried violets dusted in graphite. Smoke snakes around black bread with currants, fig and black raisins. A phenomenal fall treat. That’ll do the trick!
#cosdestournel #saintestèphe #saintestephe #appellationsaintestèphecontrôlée #2010bordeaux #2010 #misenbouteilleálapropriété #Bordeaux #bordeauxrouge #deuxiemecru — a year ago