I'm thinking about selling all my shit and moving to Corsica. I probably wouldn't last long since I have no language skills. #kermitlynch #rose #rosewine #corsica #corsicanwine #corsicarose #dryrose — 7 years ago
The color is beautiful. The first sensation in the nose is a fresh cream. Slightly salty. Ocean breeze. on the palate, yellow plums, white cherries and almonds. #champagne #gosset #rosewine — 8 years ago
Definição é interessante! Cor salmão rosé! Linda cor! Aroma floral e frutado! Senti rosas! Tem um q de amargo no odor! Sabor citrico, inicialmente parece que vai brigar, mas é a acidez e o citrico, que atenuam e deixam uma leveza! Muito refrescante e saboroso! Não é um vinho simples, bem elaborado e tem complexidade que eu ainda não consegui decifrar. Cramberry e morango, talvez casca de laranja ou de cramberry q dê esse toque de amargor! Retrogosto citrico! Definition is interesting! Salmon color rosé! Beautiful color! Floral and fruity aroma! I felt roses! It has a little smell of bitter! Citric flavor initially seems that will fight, but the acidity and citric, which attenuate and leave a lightness! Refreshing and tasty good! Not a simple wine, well-designed and has complexity that I still can not decipher. Cranberry and strawberry, maybe orange peel or cranberry that give that touch of bitterness! Citric aftertaste! #rosé #rose #vino #vin #vinhorose #rosato #rosewine #good #cramberry #paris #frenchwine #french #wine #syrah #cheers #delectableapp #love #shiraz — 10 years ago
Pic #2. 2018 Teutonic Wine Company “Seafoam” Oregon. Pinot-based rosé wine with a pale salmon hue, and lively notes of plum, apricot, and peach, balanced with moderate acidity to lend structure on the palate. Paired with a lovely hiramasa crudo bathed in a plum aguachile, with kohlrabi, fresh plum, and celery. #teutonicwinecompany #oregonwine #rosewine — 6 years ago
Loving all things Tatomer lately! Salmon hued rosé , pink grapefruit, nice acidity. Perfect for our San Francisco Summer in April. I need to run out to get more.... Only 200 cases produced #rosewine #rosé #spätburgunder #pinotnoir #germanstyle — 9 years ago
Beautiful rose with strawberry, raspberry and other bright red fruit characteristics. Aromatic and Bone dry! #rosewine, #wine #studywine #sommelier #frenchwine — 10 years ago
Owner TomeVinos wine shops, WSET Level 3, Blogger www.spanishwinesandmore.com, blog.tomevinos.com
#grenachegris #rose #rosewine — 5 years ago