Beautiful balance #montrachet #chardonnay #puligny #pulignymontrachet — 5 years ago
A touch shy when first opened but this developed beautifully over 3 hours. Great power and complexity. Energetic mouthfeel. Well balanced and sweet length. #jacquesprieur #pulignymontrachet #lescombettes #ctbucklinwine — 7 years ago
Whiff of gunpowder and lemon oils, lime pith and grapefruit peel. Round lime and lemon verbena, after lemon oil and brioche, toasted sesame and chamomile. Stunner.
#2020 #paulpernot #paulpernotetsesfils #montrachet #pulignymontrachet #1erpulignymontrachet #1ercru #folatières #grandvin #grandvinsdebourgogne #whiteburgundy #bougogneblanc — 3 years ago
Vintage 2009 - light impression of flowers, lemon. Refinement and power. Partnered with scallops gave it lots of joy. #chardonnay #pulignymontrachet #leflaive — 7 years ago
Detailed, delicate flavours with a fine minerality that carries through in the finish. Flavours are subtle, persistent and very long. Linear structure built for aging.#mersault #pulignymontrachet — 8 years ago
Lemon custard narrows on the nose to Meyer lemon pith, lime zest, pomelo, gun flint glints with alumina, marmalade mix. Tart lemon palate puckers to a kiss of lemongrass awash in a lemon-lime sea of brine; spongey lemon pith finish.
#vincentgirardin #vincentgirardinlesviellesvignes #lesvillesvignes #vincentgirardinpulignymontrachet #pulignymontrachet #whiteburgundy #bourgogneblanc #whiteburg #chardonnay #frenchchardonnay #appellationpulignymontrachetcontrolée #côtedor — 3 years ago
Ginkgo smash rot blows off to wildflower honey and brioche, tart pineapple, chamomile, yellow apple, ginger nose. Tart starfruit, lemon zest, lime pith, lemon-lime peel; wound a little tight. Lemongrass and a green onion element I expect to vanish. Ginseng and glittering lemon oil and racing pith for a long salivating finish. Opened rich and unctuous, but narrowed to focused acid blast.
#etiennesauzet #pulignymontrachet #etiennesauzetlatruffière #montrachet #1ercru #1ercrupuligny #bourgogne #bourgogneblanc #whiteburgundy #burgundy — 4 years ago
F***ing #premox So So Sad. #domaineleflaive #pulignymontrachet #chardonnay #burgundy #ctbucklinwine — 7 years ago
David Kline
The smoke hasn’t cleared on this battle worn soldier. Really strong sense of gun powder! Volatilize, and peeks of lime pith or lemon verbena squeeze through the cracks like light in your lashes, revealing pepper and pecan shell, black mushroom spores and elm, with cigar sweetness and black lime on a smoky battlefield. Palate is lime pith and zest and oil and candied lime sparkles floating down a lemon juice river, with thick, thick lemon pith banks. Kind of a gangly age here, but showing depth and intensity. Need to see this one when it matures, sculpted like an Olympian.
#bouzereau #puligny #pulignymontrachet #montrachet #whiteburgundy #bourgogneblanc — 2 years ago