Real wine. Violets, koi pond, plum bread, dried raspberries in a Sumatran coffee and gunpowder tea bran muffin. Shoe leather in clear polish. Wound up a little tightly as it was just opened, the palate receives a heaping spoonful of coal and banana leaf, with iron pellets. You can see the shadow of the panther in this one! Pure muscle. Cracked pepper, smooth, flat black stones; dried violets, tar, squid ink and flame-touched hemp. Not your typical Zin fare, this one elevates the cultivation to an art form. 80 year old vines strumming archaic, wooden energies into the glass. Remember this is Zin, which is the neon calling card of the wine arcade, then find yourself called to a state of bliss. #zinfomaniacs #zintastic #zincredible #zin #bedrock #bedrockwineco #oldvinesyounglove #oldvine #oldvines #oldvinezin #zinfandel #zinfadel #caliclassic — 8 years ago
Blood-ruby, undiluted tenor from rim to rim. Blackberry-cran with a smoky coat, violets, raspberry reduction, wild nettle, suede, rose petal, dried cherry, applewood, and gingerly ginger, spare cedar, finest snuff, cherry pit and damp clove spiced nose. All with a slight memory of campfire. Black plum, cedar, violet, dried, sour cherry, dark leather, peppercorn, dried cranberry and red currant, cinnamon apple, fine, grippy tannins that integrate into the whole with a pleasing sense of herbs and bitters, sage and lavender. Did not expect this complexity from carignan, and floral notes that evoke like Nebbiolo. Class. .
#Lioco #Mendocino #carignan #sativa #oldvine #liococarignan #handharvested #submergedcap #wholeclustergoodness #Pinemountain #santarosa — 5 years ago
@wondermentwines #bacigalupivineyard #zinfandel #yummy #oldvine #russianrivervalley — 9 years ago
Lush ripe red fruit with a smooth lingering finish. #oldvine #zinfandel — 9 years ago
Funky cinnamon-plums, baked apples, carrot cake and blackberries. Wild strawberries, sloe berries, sweet, black pepper, blueberry muffin and pencil tip scents. Lean and meaty black currant, sour cherry and blackberry with grape leaves, black plum reduction and fig. Satisfying and multi-textured! #zinfandel #CarolShelton #Mendocino #Healdsburg #oldvine — 6 years ago
Wet stone and lime with a Petrol suggestion; fresh leek and crisp jalapeño. Lime and brine with a crab apple sweetness that disappears rapidly to a dry lime, underripe plum, pith flesh rainbow, then key lime oil and lemon zest. #riesling #rheingau #dryriesling #schlossreinhartshausen #oldvine #germanwinesociety #deutschland #Schlossabfüllung #germanwine #wein #whitewinekindofnight — 8 years ago
ZIN from correctly ripen and grown grapes. Dry farmed. Native yeast — 9 years ago
#oldvine #garnacha
Time in the glass yields black cherry notes. This wind is ripe and round with a bit of spice. 8.3 out of 10 — 4 years ago