Dinner 11/29/17 with turkey pie and other dishes. Had to open two bottles! Popular with the kids! Again perfect example of old Riesling aged at the vineyard cellar all these years. Must be that freshness from the living molds! — 5 years ago
This was really surprising. The acidity was a bit low, but it wasn’t oxidized at all, and still had plenty of fruit, albeit aged. But it also had a finish of citrus I definitely wouldn’t have expected. — 7 years ago
Such an interesting wine. A lot of cave-like funk, with just a hint of sweet residual sugar. Low alcohol...drank the whole bottle! — 7 years ago
Hint of petrol and beach ball, touch of sweetness. Terrific balance. — 7 years ago
Lolis Elie
This wine has aged well. — 7 months ago