Popped and poured; enjoyed over the course of 90min. The 2020 pours a deep ruby/purple color with an opaque core; medium+ viscosity with significant staining of the tears. On the nose, the wine is developing with notes of powerful ripe dark and blue fruits: Marionberries, figs, purple flowers, bacon fat, black olives, rocky minerals and soft baking spices. On the palate, the wine is dry with medium+ tannin and medium+ acid. Confirming the notes from the nose. The finish is long. Young, but this is another lovely vintage of Chave Saint-Joseph. Give it time. Best after 2030 and drink through 2040+. — a month ago
Brighter and lighter than expected, Crisp-y. — 7 days ago
21 años y muy vivo, elegante, post gusto super persistente un clásico de Joseph Phelps. En la nariz tipica de cabernet de ellos, un toque leve de menta, fruta roja, suelo. El postgusto fue poniéndose mas intenso mientras iba abriendo... Vino sin defectos, bien hecho. — 6 days ago
Best wine I've ever had, by a mile — 10 days ago
Tasting good at 9 years. — 8 days ago
Gilbert Van Hassel
La mouline to finish. Good lineup for the night. Dalforno1st, piano 2nd, la mouline3rd, lambrays 4th, gonon 5th. Problem they are all excellent so difficult to put a rating. Good birthday. — 21 hours ago