#salon '97 while waiting for #unico '03 to decant. #epic #unicornwines — 10 years ago
It's always a good time for some baby #Salon! #Delamotte — 10 years ago
Tasty little treat: Pre-San Fran @lapauleenyc glass-pour @ NoMad via @Coravin #burgundyweek — 11 years ago
My first experience with this producer and what a first experience it was. Very good is an extreme under statement. #champagne #salon #blancdeblancs — 9 years ago
Our go to! #salon — 10 years ago
#1999 this was outstanding and is by far the best premium champagne that is made IMO, pricey but worth the experience when you can make it happen. Intense and full bodied, this was a baby and 15 years young, a 30-50 year wine easy! #shrek #champagne #salon #lemesnil #chardonnay — 11 years ago
Still young as a baby after 18 years of cellaring! Only just developing honey and tertiary aromas. A palpable development in the glass from tight and stern to full-bodied and ample. Orange blossom, yeasty, again honey. A woodied, complex, extremely rewarding after taste. Like another user said it is not about bubbles but about intense aroma and profound flavour. This is clearly an ULTIMATE sensorial experience from a house that has released only 37 editions in 85 years. @WineTraining #salon #champagne #blancdeblancs #1997 @Dusan Bradanovich — 10 years ago
Passed the exam. Now a NASA Silver Pin #sommelier. Can finally open this stunning 1999 #Salon — 10 years ago
#salon #champagne - una piccola annata per un grande vino ! Sempre sopra le righe ! Perfetto nell'equilibrio e nell'eleganza ! — 11 years ago
Andrea Pace
Let's see if you note something different.. #rarebottle of #Salon #2002vintage — 9 years ago