
Domaine Jean-François Quénard

Vaillons Chablis 1er Cru Chardonnay 2019

White gold glints over chatelaine. Pineapple peers through a steely mask, jasmine and magnolia softly breathe through winter’s nostrils. Meyer lemon suggestions turn zest and pith on the palate; key lime invoked. Grapefruit veins of pith peel back slowly to reveal lightning streaks of complex citruses, and squash blossom stem.

#pierrequenard #chablis #vaillons #1ercru #premiercru #premiercruchablis #burgundy #whiteburgundy #bourgogneblanc #bougogne #chardonnay #frenchchardonnay #frenchwhitewine
— 3 years ago

Sharon and Severn liked this

Maison Albert Bichot

Secret de Famille Bourgogne Pinot Noir

Nice inexpensive #bougogne rich sour fruit, med plus acidity, hint of minerality — 10 years ago

Anthony liked this

Arnaud Baillot

Vieilles Vignes Gevrey-Chambertin Pinot Noir 2018

Rich raspberry and beet, with cola underpinnings, potter’s clay, steamy cherry and red plum with cranberry aspirations. Tastes of tart cherry, raspberry powders, roobios tea, St. John wort, sage and hibiscus. .
#arnaudbaillot #arnaudbaillotvieillesvignes #arnaudbaillotgevreychambertin #gevrey #geverychambertin #bougogne #burgundy #burg #pinotnoir #bourgognerouge
— 3 years ago

Severn, Mike and 1 other liked this

Maison Champy (Domaine Champy)

Viré-Clessé Chardonnay

Glad I saved one of these! This thing blossomed amazingly! Butter and soft boiled eggs, marigold, brioche, apricot, lemon curd and chicken bone with a nearly translucent pineapple hint to the aromas. A smoky and austere entry last year has acquiesced to briny lemon, hazelnut oil, caperberry, sesame and flint, with a resonance bordering on chalky sunflower. Stunning. Should have saved more! #Champy #whiteburgundy #bourgogneblanc #burgundy #bougogne #chardonnayfromthebestplaceonearth #chardonnay #chardon #blancshavemorefun #blanche #viréclessé — 7 years ago

Domaine Bruno Clavelier

Vieilles Vignes Bourgogne Passetoutgrains Gamay Pinot Noir 2018

Screaming herbs from the glass, Chinese cilantro, sage, beets, roobios, red cherry, cinnamon, clove and roses on the big nose. Smooth entry to tart cherry and ripe raspberry, crabapple cider. .
#domainebrunoclavelier #bougognepassetoutgrain #bougogne #viellesvignes #vindebourgogne #burgundy #burg #rouge
— 4 years ago

Courtney KlineEmily LundieBryant Bickel
with Courtney, Emily and 1 other
Andrew, Sharon and 6 others liked this

Camille Giroud

Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2009

Diane Dixon

#winemaker#winemaker#winemaker David Croix at Camille Giroud #bougogne level is soooo good #sommchat #wine #Burgundy — 11 years ago