
Arnaud Baillot

Vieilles Vignes Gevrey-Chambertin Pinot Noir 2018

Rich raspberry and beet, with cola underpinnings, potter’s clay, steamy cherry and red plum with cranberry aspirations. Tastes of tart cherry, raspberry powders, roobios tea, St. John wort, sage and hibiscus. .
#arnaudbaillot #arnaudbaillotvieillesvignes #arnaudbaillotgevreychambertin #gevrey #geverychambertin #bougogne #burgundy #burg #pinotnoir #bourgognerouge
— 3 years ago

Severn, Mike and 1 other liked this

Pierre Naigeon

Creux Brouillard Gevrey-Chambertin Pinot Noir 2017

Beautiful nose. Gorgeous well balanced structure. Powerful dark fruit with a solid mineral base. I imagine how it would have been had i given the bottle a few more years to age let alone a few hours to breath. Bottle 20 of 290. I might go back for another one or two. ##thankgivinginparis #geverychambertin — 5 years ago

Joseph Drouhin

Gevrey-Chambertin Premier Cru Pinot Noir 1985

Mature red fruit, sous bois, earthy, hint of spice. Elegant on the palate with a little grip. Impressive 1er Cru. #josephdrouhin #geverychambertin — 6 years ago

Jean-Francois, Keith and 2 others liked this

Maison Roche de Bellene

Vieilles Vignes Gevrey-Chambertin Pinot Noir 2012

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

Lacking character and energy. The domaine bottles are much more exciting. Well made though. #maisonrochedebellene #nicolaspotel #geverychambertin #pinotnoir #burgundy #ctbucklinwine — 8 years ago

David, Keith and 1 other liked this